Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Yup, as has been said many times, he can continue to manually form his groups and play how he wants even with RDF in the game. So his opposition clearly isn’t about social interactions or his preferred style.

He just wants to control and dictate how others play the game. Or he’s trolling. Those are the two options.

There is a third one that I’m leaning heavily into, but he’d report it if I said it out loud.

I already do. I dont need gold, mats, exc. I play the game because i enjoy it. I get mats and stuff as a byproduct of enjoying the game. And i play in a social manner.

Okay, but I don’t enjoy playing a “you are the hero” type game without a remote chance of furthering my character.

I’d wager there’s more players of my kind than yours, especially with how the game is constructed.

Except this isnt an environment where talking to them will help. This is a video game.


A video game I play for fun.

Are you trying to imply that trying to get help to my alcoholic neighbour is meant to be fun or what?

Cause you’re coming across as a guy who would kick over a homeless persons shelter right now.

If it helps further your alts does that count? The social connections i have made make me have a very easy time gearing alts.

I’m sorry, I’ll just never be so desperate for social connections over a 15 year old game that I’ll bore myself to tears getting them, move on.

I have spent my time at soup kitchens to help the homeless so your wrong, but feel free to let emotions continue to blind you because of your agenda.

Other than it drastically reduces who is manually pugging for groups, but thats the part you want to ignore.

You LITERALLY just implied you’d ignore an annoying alcoholic neighbour.


You used it as an example as to how blacklists supposedly work.

If they have shown they have no desire to change, sure. I cant make someone change. But this is a game, im not curing alcoholism by inviting a known ninja.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

My mind is logical and looks for reason and rationale. So when people say things that make absolutely no sense and defy reality…I just think there’s no way they can believe that nonsense. So they must be trolling.

Part of his stance is the stubborn nature of most WoW forum posters: he took a stance and will defend it no matter what. It takes a bit of effort and humility to rethink your opinions. Something that my stalker and other trolls actually try to criticize you for when you do it. Which I find hilarious.

Anyway, he’s not capable of that. So you get more and more ludicrous statements. This is a guy who thinks the game is improved when less people are online because he can imagine them offline all snug in their beds. How does anyone take his posts seriously? :rofl:

Hahahaha good joke.

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Okay but that wasn’t part of the blurp where you said you’d ignore your alcoholic neighbour cause “he’s obnoxious” is it?

And curiously, you’re trying to get me to change despite me overwhelmingly telling you I’m not gonna.

I did as well, it’s loooooooong past that point.

I’ve had better social experiences with the door to my bathroom than this fella.

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Oh so suddenly the rewards aren’t so important to you,


I only had to spend what, 7 posts telling him this arch was pointless and not until I called him out on needing these rewards did he rescind.

I swear my bathroom door literally is capable of holding a conversation better than him.

Well in general bathroom doors actually serve a useful purpose in society.

This guy can’t even stop the stink ;(