Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

And dungeons are an option though. You CHOSE solo play. And yes you can get gems from dungeons. Frozen orbs are used for icy prysm, there are herb and ore nodes inside of dungeons based on the dungeon.

The mats for them are inside of dungeons. As well as the tank/healer bags from final boss. You CHOSE to not do dungeons.

So the way blizzard designed the game has never been q thing, got it. Yes there are solo play options for people like you who dont want to be even remotely social, doesnt mean there isnt social options as well.

And the victim mentality is here again. The only one capable of gatekeeping you is yourself.

I had 0 issue gearing my druid alt and i only started gearing it about 2 months before P2. Why? I have social connections from my behavior and actions from my main, and now even more from my druid as i have healed dungeons for random people as well.

Its only a chore for you because you chose solo play constantly, you chose raid logging constantly.

As for good or interesting gameplay, if it helps you avoid someone who is known for giving bad experiences to those they end up playing with, yes, it can improve gameplay for you by avoiding the bad personality players.

Do you think its hard to copy a name and search it on a discord? Takes a few seconds.


I don’t need anything from dungeons. What am I supposed to play them for?

Oh yeah, the 2 cobalt nodes from doing a world tour is 10/10 reason to do it :rofl:

You keep saying this but it’s never been true.

The game is designed for you to be the hero of your own story. Going back and doing trivial content isn’t being a hero.

If you repeat this idiotic idea again I’m just gonna respond with “source?” btw.


So do you do this every time you join a dungeon?

Tanks and healers can farm gold, enchanting mats, flasks, potions, exc from dungeons reliably. Dps lose out on the flasks and potions. And if you are mining/herbalist you can farm some of those as well depending on the dungeon. Talors can get a lot of cloth from dungeons as well.

Its a choice of how you play. And you chose solo play then complain about not getting groups…

Every time i do a dungeon? No. Every time i pug? To a degree yes. I care more about peoples behaviors than their gearscore.

I dont mind taking someone a little undergeared as long as it is doable.

There’s literally 2 cobalt nodes in all the combined WotLK dungeons. That’s it.

The notion that you do dungeons to gather is stupid, just drop it.

You don’t seem to understand a damned thing.

On my main why would I go back to dungeons? HC+ is faceroll and I don’t need anything from it.

On my alt I’m not getting into groups cause the tool is the worst interface ever built for an MMO and gatekeeping.

How is this hard to understand?

Yeah, I’m gonna call BS on this.

That or you don’t pug.

Where has this ever come up?

Ah so I see you completely ignored the point about how all those things I mentioned interact with the community.

And thank you for bringing up CRBG’s which were added in vanilla and do the exact same thing as RDF.


There is also some saronite nodes. Have you never been in HoS?

It isnt just to gather. There are a multitude of reasons to do a dungeon even after you dont need the gear.

You are to closeminded to understand some people play differently than a raid logging, victim mentality, clown.

I can get into a dungeon group without even using lfg, i chose to pug to make more social connections.
And there have been FAR worse tools built for an mmo. And again, the only one gatekeeping you is yourself.

You and i play the game very differently. You cant seem to find a group to save your life for your alt (let alone you dont even seem to try to). I find groups easily for my alts. The difference is in how we play. You raid log and solo play. I play with the community, even when i dont need to.

None of those things were prioritizing convenience iver community, thats the part you are missing.

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And how much friction there is doing those dungeons directly impacts how many people will actually do them.

RDF makes it a lot more likely someone will just do a dungeon on a whim.

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Well except for the part where they were :slight_smile:

You must be someone who played WoW as their first MMO and thought vanilla was super hard core :stuck_out_tongue:


Who effing cares about 1 saronite node. Just drop it. It’s stupid and you’re digging in your heels about it.

So RDF has no impact on your gameplay at all.


Absolutely true.


Except the part where i chose to pug to make more social connections.

It would absolutely decimate my method of making said connections.

Its more than that though. Its gold, its enchanting mats, its cloth, exc exc exc. If you only look at one aspect sure its small and insignificant. Its all of it put together that makes it worth it.

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I have all the gold I need, the enchanting mats I need, an alt filled with cloth I don’t need.

Why would I go back to doing this crap that I don’t need?

You’re working a bad angle here, you’re simply not selling your vision this way cause I don’t need any of that trivial junk that you seem to have a hard time getting.

The social connections that you individually check to see if they’re blacklisted on a discord server before even engaging with them, yeah, gotcha.

So you raced to the finish and complain after, lol.

I dont have a hard time getting it. I chose to play the game in a social way and getting those are a byproduct.

If you knew you had an obnoxious drunkard in your neighborhood would you not try to avoid them? I use available information to avoid the people that have bad reputations, because with quick sesrches i can find what they did and evidence of them doing it.

You’re arguing with someone who thinks 24 gold is an impossible to make amount from anything other than RDF.


Not even close. I just really enjoy the game so I possible played too much.

Why are you not at the stage where you have everything non-raid related that you need yet?

So why bring it up as if it’s something worth going for when it clearly isn’t?

No, I’d talk to him and try to get him help.

Again false statement. Hows the lies going for you and getting your rdf? Its nit in yet? Maybe if you started using facts and logic blizzard would listen to you more.

Oh I know, don’t worry.

Which is why I have no trouble with this argument, cause all his crazy is out there for everyone to see.

Like this supposed social person has just asked me if I wouldn’t shun an alcoholic neighbour irl - and I’m supposed to believe he’s the master of social interactions? I’m an introvert and I’d still try to get him help.