Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

I said be the change you want to see. Not treat it like a job.

If you like playing the game there should be no issue playing with someone who is heroic ready geared and doing a heroic. Yes it will take longer, but if that is truely a prohlem for you then you are the one treating it like a job by seeking a min max efficiency.

So you refuse to even try to be the change you want to see and are claiming we need rdf to fix the problem. Thats victim mentality. “I cant do anything to fox the prohlem so someone else has to fix it for me”…

Try reading a little more of that post.

I also used whitemane as an example and assumed 75% of the discords server was no longer playing on whitemane. Its still near 50% of warcraft taverns current estimate of the active server pop on the realm.

And thats assuming 75% of the listed discord populationis no longer there…

But that change would turn it into a job for me.

It’s still not my job to retain new players to the game.

So you dont like to be social and or you dont like to just play the game. Got it. Enjoy your raid logging.

Even if I was stupid enough to be generous and believe half of this it still assumes that every single player has discord open (lol), an interest in the discord server (LOL) and check the blacklist every time they do an action with another player in the game (LMAO).

It’s simply not happening and if it was, how on earth is this a good social experience?

Not what I said at all and you know it, but again, don’t let that stop you from arguing in bad faith.

You said playing the game as it is designed to be played would feel like a job to you. So yes you kinda did say that.

I took off 75% of the listed discord population to account for all of that to a reasonable degree. And it still ends up at about 50% of the estimated server size based on warcraft taverns estimates…

I think estimating 75% was a reasonable estimate.

OH I SEE, so the game is designed to play content you gain nothing from with other players to help them?


And a very very stupid statement by you.

No, it’s not, it’s really really not.

And you’re completely ignoring the activity metric.

The game is designed to be played with other players and to have some form of repeatability in it so that even when content is outdated for one player, they will have a reason to go back and help other players, which also can result in social connections.

As an example. Frozen orbs from normal heroics and be used in phase 3 to make icy prisms that can drop epic gems. Heroics and h+ are a good way to farm enchanting mats. Emblems can be used for multiple things. And then there is the raw gold some herb or ore nodes in the dungeons, taloring cloth farming, exc. Sure heroics are not the best method for any one of these, but they are a method. Arguably heroic+ is the best way to farm blue and epic items for disenchanting. And normal heroics are still good for blue disenchanting items. And both usually give a decent amount of greens through the trash. Even naxx is a good farm for epic disenchanting mats. And all of these also drop decent raw gold as well.

You should probably take this up with Blizzard cause that hasn’t been manifested in their game design since, oh I don’t know, THE START.

So removing 3/4 of it isnt enough of an estimate for you… so what, only 99% works just because it fits your narrative then?

You are a joke…

So ignore 75% of the post that shows how it offers some replayability, got it.

Even some of the old dungeons from classic have replayability. I farm dark runes for my guilds healers for the generals hard mode. I helped a random rogue do a group quest because i was in the zone (killing the litch in western plague lands).

This is an mmorpg. It is meant to be played as a community.

You should really join your servers discord and see how it probably has some 20-50 active members.

What replayability? I don’t need any of the junk you listed.

So you dont use gems or enchants? You dont use ore, potions, elixers, flasks or herbs?

Just admit you dont like to play the game. You are here to raid log based on everything you have said.

You don’t get gems from dungeons and I get all the enchanting mats I need from doing dailies.

None of this comes from dungeons.

I don’t like to play your vision of the game, this much is blatantly true.

But your vision of the game has never been a thing.

I’ve blatantly admitted I raid log yes, cause gatekeeping and idiotic tools make it a chore to gear up alts and my main doesn’t need anything.

People dont have to post in a discord to regularly check on some of its content, like a blacklist.

I am part if the hunter discord and 90% of the time i am only reading and not posting in it.

But yes i was right, you want to assume out of the 18k listed population o ly 20-50 people use it, so you want to assume 99% of people dont use the discord at all.

You are a joke.

Okay, fine, I’ll play your stupid game.

Lets say 100% of a server is on their server discord.

Do you think it’s good or interesting gameplay to check a blacklist every time you want to run a dungeon?