Not thrilled with the so called dungeon finder

Delusional doesn’t begin to describe those posts. :rofl:

And what is this slippery slope nonsense? Authenticity is a slippery slope now? Oh no, the game might be like it was back then!! It’s so much better to take Retail tools and features and shove them into Wrath. No, that’s the actual slippery slope. RDF is a WRATH feature. This LFG tool is from Retail. Mythic dungeons are from Retail.

The hypocrisy continues. They fight against actual, legitimate Wrath tools and praise things actually taken from Retail that never were in Wrath. :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:


Meanwhile, those of us who are just here for the nostalgia and the gameplay we remember from our younger days are told to go to retail cause it has RDF, a WotLK native feature.

Lord forbid you tell them to play era that literally has the gameplay they desire. That’s like, bad man.


And they wonder why we call them trolls. Those of us who want an authentic Wrath are told to go play Retail. In what world does that make any sense?

The reality is these changes (removing Wrath systems, and replacing them with Retail ones) have made Wrath Classic…more like Retail!

This whole thing is a joke.


The lfg chat is attached to the use of the lfg tool to post in the chat (unless this got changed, havent tested it since wotlkc launched with the tool)… you really dont use the tool+chat at all do you? So you are just complaining about something you dont even use it seems.

Post yes.

Read no.

So in theory you could get all your needs covered without the janky tool except, yanno, the chat isn’t actually really used for 5 mans.

Muh socialz and all that.

I do want to point out that Brack was talking about things like sitting around in Dalaran for three hours waiting for a healer to run a dungeon that’d take 20 minutes instead of, you know, queuing for it and doing something else like powerlevel fishing or doing something like the Wintersaber Trainers repeatable quests.

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You refusing to use the chat doesnt mean thats how everyone treats it. You being anti social doesn’t make the tool anti social.

Again, my offer to log onto Earthshaker-EU for a couple mins and copy/paste the chat to you stands.

It’s simply not used for 5 mans. Cause it’s an effing mess.

Doesn’t exactly help that uh, “other” servers still have that functionality and in my experience, the most common spam I’ve seen is people paying something like 20g for 70-74 green items to disenchant because the amount of money floating around there is so high that’s actually easier than farming the items themselves…and don’t get me started about the prices for stuff like Arctic Fur or Heavy Borean Leather.

Oh don’t bring up bots, the anti RDFers will latch onto it and scream to high heavens that RDF will make botting worse.

(yes this is an actual take seen on these forums lol)

I do value group forming, however it gets tedious when you are trying to content that is no longer relevant.

When I was leveling especially Classic dungeons and TBC dungeons in some extent , it takes too much of my time to form a group to the point that questing is better value of my time… which is funny considering this is an MMO and not single player till you get max level.

And even if a heroic dungeon is not the chosen for the heroic daily, it will also take time to form for those heroic dungeons that don’t have that daily attached if its the dungeon you specifically need.

RDF or Cross realm LFG will fix these pain points that I have with getting into a dungeon.

Dude, wrath dungeons don’t require much strategy so I dont know where you are trying to achieve here.

Even classic and TBC (for some heroics) dont require that much strategy.

As if you can already do that now without RDF so again I dont know what you are trying to achieve here.

There are a couple of times where I just list myself in the LFG and sit in a city for like 8-15 minutes.

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Brack was talking about Vanilla. This is Wrath

I laugh when people bring up that quote, because he’s mocking the anti-rdf players: people who don’t want the game as it was.

We’re not in 2004-2008 anymore man, were in 2023. There is a night and day difference between this community and the community a decade ago, I used to thought that social fabric and community eroded with RDF years ago and now that we got classic, the lack of RDF has not changed anything so I wondered what really caused this erosion of the community here? I have ran dungeons throughout classic, seeing actual social interaction is rare, server communities got thrown out the window when mega servers became a thing and only whats left of this social fabric and community is guilds.

I’m not upset at all, its just we have already tried to experiment since 2019 and nothing didn’t change, removing RDF also didn’t change anything or achieve goals that the dev team were hoping it would.

I’m not the one saying that its unusable, I’m saying its a completely watered down version of the LFG tool from retail.


What is he talking about? We’ve seen the loss of the community without RDF in Wrath.

And Rob Pardo was right back in 2009: the true meaningful community are friends and guildies, and RDF doesn’t reduce that. Yet RDF makes it easier to group with more players and run more dungeons. Inherently, by definition, it increases social interactions. Even if they’re not long-lasting…just like already exists without RDF. Except now you just have far less interactions than you would with RDF.


And you want to blame all that loss on rdf. Couldnt possibly be other factors contributing to that right? Its all the lack of rdf…

No dude, we’re saying you blaming RDF for the loss is stupid beyond belief and the past 4 years is proof of it.

Do try to keep up there’s a good chap.


Rdf caused a drop in subs in retail after the honeymoon period. Im not saying it was the only reason though.

Honeymoon period being arbitrarily defined by you and utterly unaffected by Cataclysm launching at all.

Yeah. Shut up dude.


We used to be able to.

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I think you need to get with the times like I have when I used to against RDF years ago before classic released.

Before classic, I used to think that RDF caused the degradation of the social fabric now fast forward to the release of classic and months after that, I feel like nothing was changed, the social interaction is still the same here as retail, server communities got thrown out the window when mega servers became a thing and the only shred of whats left of this social fabric is guilds so this begs the question, what really caused this degradation of this social fabric here?

RDF caused the downfall WoW? I didn’t think this mainly because its a stupid and illogical argument at the time, what really caused the downfall of WoW here is mediocre and bad expansions.