Not getting anything in a Raid feels bad

Getting nothing for weeks except maybe pity gold never feels fun in the slightest. Worse when you win nothing the entire raid then the vault gives you stuff you don’t need as your only options that you’re practically forced to take the tokens. I shouldn’t have to be forced to take those tokens but sadly it seems that way at times. That or to see the items or recipes you need drop and you roll need and your roll gets thrown out for no reason and you sit there and watch as it hands it to someone claiming its for their off spec.


I know that its not very likely I will get anything from doing the LFR wing(s). But now that I can get something in the Vault both from LFR and from doing the various dungeon types, I know I will at least get a choice of something. And each toon can only do an LFR run once per week anyhow, so waiting for the Vault is no different timewise. Sure, I won’t have it straight away but…as I said, I rarely get anything from the raid anyhow. And that low to no chance isn’t something new.

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what feels really bad is doing LFR with the wife trying to gear her up some more, we kill a boss and a trinket drops and some warrior wins it. I look at the DPS meter because, curious is all about this chad and what he did for the raid…huh…odd 24 players listed but the 25th is missing. He didn’t even attack once and won the trinket.

there SHOULD be some protection against that type of stuff I am not saying you need to do mind blowing dps but at least do SOMETHING in the raid.


Yea its ok but at least you had fun in the raid right

Welcome to playing MMORPGS, but man if you think Retail is bad on that.

Play WoW Classic where you might not even see getting 1 piece of loot for over a month!

you think RAIDING loot bad?? I ran 20 random normal dungeons one night. Give 3 pieces of gear. two of which weren’t even class specific. It’s been an OUCH kind of expansion. x.x. however the emerald dream just loves me with the seedlings and I just have one more mount before I have them all…

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You’d prefer to get a drop that you don’t need from the raid and have no option for coins like the old days? The coins are one of the best choices since you can craft better than LFR loot.

I’m recently returning to wow and the vault thing was quite the learning experience lol like I’m being forced to learn patience

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The vault is great until it gives you the same item you’re already wearing 3 out of 4 weeks.


Lmao that’s a good one.

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I think most of the people here do not remember, or more likely were never around during the old days. The OG raids only dropped 2-3 pieces for FORTY players, you raided literal months at a time with zero loot and had to back fill your loot with various dungeon runs.

It’s absolutely no different now for those who complain they only want to raid, or lose their spot to someone who runs dungeons because “I will never run dungeons” or “It’s raid or die”, and anyone who claims that is all they done back in the day is just lying, no one back in the day only raided, you would never have any gear.

Not only do we now have FOUR raid difficulties, we have various M+ difficulties, PVP gear that can be purchased AND upgraded, we have the upwards of NINE vault slots. And to cap it off, we can craft mythic iLVL gear.

The only downside of having so much options is that they give you a pittance of currencies to upgrade them so you sit there with odd bits and pieces showing all sorts of upgrade levels until things start to click.


Reason #406 to just not bother raiding.

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absolutely should be something with that.
if they stand around doing nothing they should get nothing.
The game should only allow drops if the player was ACTIVELY involved at least 70% of the fight/raid/whatever.

I used to watch in BFA where some AFK clown would be standing back waiting for me to beat something down so they could come in last second and one shot to get the credit.
I started spanning around and when Id see them doing it, Id run off and pull the elite or whatever it was until it reset just to tick them off.
Dont want to play the game? Then dont. Stop pretending they do.

If someone plays in a decent guild, the chance to not get anything during a raid is very small. It may not always be for your main spec, but something always came around.

That being said, LFR can go by and you get nothing, which I believe the OP is talking about. When you roll on items that you need, while others roll that don´t and win, you feel cheated and less motivated to join again.

This new system has hit the casual raid folks pretty harsh, one can only hope Blizzard realizes their wrong and goes back to personal loot.

I rolled a 100 on the flame hearthstone from Larodas or whatever his name is. I was so excited I was finally going to get that dang toy (after killing him 6 times a week since release).


Someone else rolled a 100 also and the game gave it to them. RIP.

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Yesterday I rolled 98 on a much needed item and lost to a 99. The next wing I rolled a 97 on a much needed item and, once again, lost to a 99. Most of my other rolls are below 40.

I do not like this system of rolling for loot in LFR. I don’t like having shift right-click the boss and not just get everything I see. I’d rather just have rolls go in the background and loot either drops or it doesn’t. I want to empty out what I see when I right-click the dead boss.

I was there and it that sucked more but it doesn’t make what happens now good either

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I’m inclined to agree. Blizzard is slowly making things better but you’ve got FF over here giving out guaranteed something for a clear (Something you can use to buy gear eventually). It’s the best of both words really.

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Sounds like you have never raided before because even back in vanilla and then even when they had personal loot set for normal mode and above, there were weeks I never got anything. LFR is free loot since it is faceroll easy. Be thankful you are guaranteed something at least once a week.

Getting raid gear for not raiding feels great. I got a sweet flame shield just for some time walking!