Not EVERY reward NEEDS to come back

Maybe if it was something EARNED.

But Tyrael’s Charger, the Cindermane mount, the TCG mounts, etc weren’t earned. They were bought. And that makes them… not really that special or exclusive.

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Lets not pretend people don’t like having something rare, or something others don’t have. Look at your RL, you either own or long to own something nice that not everyone has. Your car, your skateboard , your bowling ball signed by Selena Gomez, whatever it is, so stop pretending you disagree just because you may not care, you at least understand why some of us do. Not all of us have that Selina Gomez signed bowling ball so maybe our digital stuff means more to us.

I only had 2 semi-rare things, the dragon kite and the Twelve-String Guitar and now they are common. Try this, go to SW or some other city where you can fly and acts as a rest area, log on a druid, fly up in air in birdform, dismount bird (be falling) cast Twelve-String Guitar then immediately cast bird form again, your bird will fly reallllly slow until the song ends. Now EVERYONE can do that trick. (many toys have other uses which explain their long CDs)

Oh, I have one other kinda rare thing, the warlords deathwheel, I bet they will go after that next.

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There are no trenches. Good lord. You’re not doing anything hard. This is a recreational hobby that you pay for. Items are put in the game and acquired through certain tasks. Why remove some and not others? It’s stupid.

No one is seriously arguing this. I don’t think anyone wants to be handed things. The challenges are fun. And in most cases we are just looking for a cool mount so that we look awesome.

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Except your thought process is wrong. Of course people value their car, it’s an invaluable tool that greatly expands one’s transport and travel capability. That’s normal. What you’re suggesting is that those with cars actively oppose those without cars getting cars because then their car may depreciate in value for whatever reason. And people would rightly tell you to shove off with that nonsense.

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muted, crap post.


Did you play? Did you win? Is your name in the stats and on the trophy? Then who gives a damn who has a ring?

Seriously, drop the hyperbole and come off the high horse. It’s pixels. Pixels no one has shown off if half a decade.

Too bad it doesn’t work.

Everything needs to come back!


cant wait for the tier 3 threads saying how we did not earn them by playing the content or spending millions of gold

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I hope the Pandaren Phoenix (CM mounts) come back,
Blizzard please! At least the egg so we can choose one. :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Or at least a recolor.


Check the word “Proverbial”. And “the challenges are fun.” I thought you just said there are no challenges?

Oh so there are no challenges if I did it, but there are challenges if other people are given the opportunity to get the things I unlocked. You bloody hypocrite.

Ask for Blizzard to add more new cool mounts to the game. Stop lusting after things you missed out on, it isn’t healthy.

OR alternatively, admit that an idea for reopening classic servers where people would have to earn said things under the same circumstances would be the actual hill to die on. Proverbially speaking, again.

this may come as a shocker, but wow infact is not life.


if they ever introduce player housing, you should be able to “borrow” a mount from a friend’s stable for a while. same with xmog pieces!

ofc there’d have to be some restrictions :sweat_smile:

anyway, that way we can all get along and share!

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My pixels are so important that I don’t want others to get the same ones.


People wanting to gatekeep others over cosmetic stuff is sad and spiteful :dracthyr_a1:


Well you know how people are , you have it , i want it too, and if i dont have it im gonna feel bad and blizz dont want people feeling bad, instead they turned it around and made it into a money making opportunity

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that’s not gatekeeping :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It has been FIFTEEN years. You should be grown up, gainfully employed, and tracking down a mate. Not on here, complaining about a specific arrangement of pixel colors.

Do you get this upset when they open the Disney vault?

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Exactly they are nothing but meaningless pixels arranged in whatever order.

So they don’t matter and don’t need to be brought back.

Glad we could clear this all up.

Do you guys get this upset that you can’t buy a 1991 dodge caravan new off the lot?


Yes I enjoy things in RL but when someone gets the same thing as me I’m not upset about it. You’re suggesting you are? Not trying to be snarky here but that is how it reads to me.

I’m not pretending when I disagree because I don’t care. I don’t care because none of this matters. I understand why you like the items you may have. What I don’t understand is the intense emotional reaction to someone else potentially getting the same item differently.

I fail to see how others able to have fun, while playing a video game, is bad.

Unlikely as it was a contest and the company being in California during the time there are some weird rules/laws saying that it can’t be given out again beyond that contest. For now you can breathe easy that someone else wont be able to ride that motorcycle in WoW.

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Wow, OP really is legit bothered by the spirit of competition pet coming back still I see.