Not EVERY reward NEEDS to come back

I used the analogy in another thread, so I’ll use it again here:

Imagine having a 1996 Super Bowl ring. You got it because you were there, you were part of the team (or support staff), that would be a source of pride. They should absolutely have new rings for new players to get, and maybe you wouldn’t be able to get one of those, but you still have your 1996 ring. But then a bunch of people are saying “no, I want a 1996 ring”. They weren’t there, they weren’t playing, and that ring was very specifically designed for the team then.

Now, that does not mean something that was removed needs to stay removed, either.

With WoW Classic existing, it offers a compelling opportunity to earn some of those older rewards in the same way they were earned originally. Allowing players to run Naxx-40 on Classic, and unlocking respective transmogs for Retail could be very cool. Or whenever we get around to MoP Classic, allowing players to earn Challenge Mode gear in the same way it was earned originally (or potentially just bringing them back via scaling, although perhaps only awarding them at the “end” of the season, just to ensure there aren’t any crazy exploits from new classes or mechanics).

I do believe there is ample room for a happy medium. But I also believe a core part of any healthy MMO is having items that are from a specific time and place. If anything, I would like to see more of those sorts of things. Things that reward loyal fans. Instead, something like Tyrael’s Charger was offered as incentive to sub during a particular content drought, and was basically brought back to re-incentivize players again, kind of giving the middle finger to fans that supported back then.

This isn’t about anyone “lording over” anyone else. I don’t think being an old-school fan makes you a more valuable player than a newer fan. But also, like my Super Bowl ring analogy, if you weren’t playing back then, that’s cool, but some of these rewards being brought back were specifically for people playing at that time. Getting the actual Collector’s Editions back in the day was still a massive show of support, and I worry we’re headed directly towards those things also being given away freely, along with virtually anything that has ever held any sort of value or status in the game.


Hi, played since Vanilla day one, bought D3 and the year sub thing that got me Tyrael’s Charger like a decade ago.

And you’re ridiculous. It’s just a mount. A promotional mount from the very beginning, that nobody did anything to earn except happen to take the promotion. Nobody is giving anybody middle fingers.

You don’t speak for anyone.


But this is a digital world. You can’t run out of digital goods ,the scarcity is all fake .


Nah all of them need to come back not cause I want them but because I find amusement in how much it upsets people like you who are obsessed with some random valueless pixels and no one else being able to get them like grow up it’s sad and pathetic.


A big flaw with your analogy is that a Super Bowl ring is a tangible object in the real world, earned by very few by winning the biggest sporting event in the US.

Tyrael’s Charger, for example, is a bunch of pixels in a video game that required nothing but a swipe of a credit card. And even that was for a subscription and not the mount itself.


Well I’d say I’m not a capitalist, so I don’t support exclusive Super Bowl rings either. Pretty sure replicas can be made, though.


I got the mount back then and am happy people that didn’t get it back then can get it now. Maybe be happy for the people who can now get the things Blizzard is bringing back and get over the whole Gollum “My Precious” vibe you’re giving off.


blizz likes requests about old stuff coming back…cuz they don’t have to actually create anything new or come up with new ideas. it’s just ez work, i’m sure making new things takes up a lot of their time, or it’s very difficult for them to do.

i think that’s why we haven’t seen any truly flavorful rewards since Legion :100:


Those old rings get sold all the time.


Silly person

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As someone who enjoys lording things I have that others cannot ever get I agree, not everything needs to come back and it won’t.


Hi, played since Vanilla too, bought the D3 promise to pay-and-play promotion too and got Tyrael’s charger.

It sucks they’ve brought it back so many times. It was an exclusive for those of us supporting the game as it declined during Cataclysm’s failing numbers. Special super-ultra-mega-chicken-deluxe items can be added to give new players glittery feelings of uniqueness, stop dumping on people who supported the game forever.

You speak for only yourself.


do you have an AFK in stormwind/orgrimmar set too?

getting showered with praise sure does feel great tbh

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Never claimed otherwise, unlike the OP.

Which you paid for. There’s nothing special about that.


You could buy a 1996 Superbowl Ring.


What if Blizzard never removed Naxx 40 in the first place?

Like we have multiple versions of Dalaran, two blackwing lair raids, multiple karazhan dungeons and uldamans.


Using your dumb analogy, it would be like if there weren’t any super bowl ring or equivalent anymore, or no super bowl at all. FOMO is only bad when nothing as grand replaces it.

Hey if you all think blizzard is gonna give you something special for your brand loyalty you haveeee bought into the illusion! They will continue to keep beating you over the head and “betraying” that loyalty - you’re never gonna join any kind of exclusive Mile high WoW club.
You’re just another poor sod whose bought into the sham.
Exclusivity is solely a business strategy. Makes you go to specific games, buy products more at specific times. If you wanna be a part of the game that’s fine - but it’s silly to complain when it’s designed for you to lose.

Find what enjoyment you can in the last thirty-odd years of your life. Something you can be happy about. I play this game for exploration, crafting, and gathering. Irl I do the same thing. Gettin upset over losing that exclusivity is silly - like you are going to die. You are going to lose all that you’ve gathered. The bundle of nerves and synapses that forms your consciousness will unravel and disintegrate and - you’re spending that precious time trying to keep other people from enjoying themselves??
And in this case, you’re not even losing anything! So why get upset about it?

Momento Mori. Keep it in mind.


They shouldn’t have. I think if it had been re-made today they would have just done a different entrance like they did with Karazhan. Dunno if they didn’t have the right technology or just didn’t realize people would want to run old raids as much as they do.


I don’t think they realized how big of an impact transmog would have on old content before they added it.