Not enough gnomes

Me too, dude! I have another thread about that, with some rock-solid logic!

May the good days be with you, brother

I mean, there was Elisande. She had a gnome tucked away somewhere in Nighthold.


Gnome druids.

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no thanks
gnomes are the ugliest thing

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I support this thread :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes:



Oh my god is he getting ready to do what I think he’s going to do :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

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She. Momma bear is taking the pretty pink baby bear home to play with her young’uns.

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I feel much better now😚

I am like the Gamera for Gnomes. Friend to all gnomes. I do what I must for all gnomish kind.

We must aid the gnomes in their time of crisis


I think Gnomes would be more popular if the algorithm was adjusted so that strength was inverse to height. The fact that my Gnomes are a DK and a Warrior have nothing to do with this, it’s just sound math.

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absoluty legit

There’s a Dungeon where you automatically get put into Gnome form. I believe it was Old Hillsbrad Foothills.

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You mean you havent heard?

Gnomes are problematic and make fun of vertically challenged people. They are next on the fixing list. Y’all gonna be sized up so not to offend small people.

Wouldnt suprise me at this point…

chugs drink and slams empty mug on the counter


How do we know there’s not enough gnomes if I can’t see them?

One of the best pro-gnome arguments I’ve seen. Good job. Now get back in me beard, ye lil scamper.


my gnomes are a DK and a Warrior! :open_mouth: Gr and Ghr!

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I meant male gnome x male elf relationships and the male gnome is me :pensive: