Not enough gnomes

Gnomes are funny


Well that’s not very nice. :rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:

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How can there be “not enough gnomes” when 1 gnome is more than we need or want.

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I guess gnome punting as a horde sport phased out Good News Gnomes. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

There are! I met the nicest Nelfy in the whole wide world and she gives me Nelfy grabs in PvP, lets me live in her pocket, give her hugs and smooches on the cheek, and lets me sit in her lap while I eat tasty :bear::sandwich: and watch adorable otter videos!

You just need to meet a very nice Nelfy like I was fortunate enough to!

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You must be a very nice Nelfy to help us Gnomeys jump in the water!

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Could have stopped here without meaning prejudice.

If there arent enough gnomes, that means they suck and no one want to play one.

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Gnomes are gud fer eatin’…only!

More Gnome please!!!

We need Gnome Paladins and Shaman and Mechagnome Druids!



This would be the cutest, great idea!

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Gnomes are precious, especially with long, floofy beards. Especially when said long, floofy beards are cotton candy pink.

More, please.

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Gnomes… they’re so short yet so cute.

Gnomes & Mechagnomes are very much welcome in World of Warcraft!