Not buying TWW until legacy scaling is fixed

I literally did it yesterday. There’s only 1 fight that, the mechanics, require 2 people in BFA. So…you’re dumb

yeah BFA can be done still but the bosses have been buffed so a lot of people are struggling more with it. Try SL bosses and get back to me.

How sweet. Does this make you feel better? Doesn’t change the fact they buffed legacy content and you’re denying it for some reason. And I guess I’m the dumb one. :roll_eyes:

did you do it on mythic lol or LFR

Imagine not being able to clear content from 2 expansions ago… It’s not that complicated…
Also sl is not legacy content until the start of next expansion …however I’ve solod most of the raids in sl on normal and heroic already.

Answer to the title. So Never?

Answer to the post. HAHAHAHAHA i am not reading all that.

the problem isnt about not being able to clear it. its able to be cleared. its the fact that they purposely increased the HP of the raids by 3x

making it an even longer slog and in order to do the damage you did prior to prepatch, you need to level up in the new expansion and get some of the endgame gear

Imagine not understanding that the prepatch increased BfA mob HP and damage done by ~1.68 times and SL mob HP and damage done by ~2.62 over their pre-prepatch levels, which has the effect of reducing relative player power, which increases the time to complete content and in some cases, may make some content difficult or impossible to solo.

Tested just now.

I got heroic Nathria achievement on 7/22 had no issues.

today I did heroic Nathria. I got to Hungering Destroyer and cannot defeat him. The damage is just too high.

So I don’t really think it’s just HP. I think they are buffed all around. Not sure if you meant that or not.

Yeah like above ^
I personally think they just haven’t done it since 11.0 lol.

I still can’t believe they haven’t reverted this obscene change. Like, who asked for this???

ion hazzikostas

What are you talking about? Virtually every class can easily solo legacy content including BFA at this point. Sheesh, git gud.

you’re running off info you got prior to prepatch

If anyone or anything can kill WoW, he sure is the one trying his best.

time played metrics are important

and this change got him at least 3x more time played from people who wanna farm BFA

It can also lead to people saying F it and quitting because they are feed up with the nerfs to content they were able to do and lose the ability to do.

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they bank on people to buy the next expansion out of their want to more easily solo older content.

im sure a lot of people who were happily soloing BFA and SL didnt buy the next expansion cause they didnt need to yet. well now they’ll definitely have to. their easy farming of BFA and SL just got more annoying

Yeah, which is why some of them will refuse and quit, and just go play something else. Because they are more or less forcing people to spend more for the same content.

The fact that blizz went out of their way to retroactively buff bfa and SL content basically proves that it’s the casual collector scene that is pretty much paying the electric bill over at blizz HQ. There’s no possible other reason this change was made other than to force the collector scene to buy and play tww. Otherwise there’d be zero reason for these people to buy TWW.

Why buy TWW if you can clear the content you play without it?

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i still cant believe 200 dollars per year by paying sub is not even enough for them.

They didnt stop tho. They only add the modifier during a squish. The last squish legion got the modifier at x10 dmg done. and WOD modifier went from x10 dmg to x100 dmg.