Not buying TWW until legacy scaling is fixed

Yeah but they added the modifier to offset lost power due to scaling shifts after the squish. For the last several pre-patches, player power has been (unintentionally?) reduced due to scaling, just not from a squish.

There is a need now for a modifier to offset all the accumulated power losses.

just buy the new expansion and level to max and wait until season 3 or 4 to get a noticable increase in power compared to before prepatchā€¦ until the squish oof

Itā€™s super annoying. Not worth quitting over for me, but I agree itā€™s super annoying. The BFA ones in particular since those are the transmogs Iā€™m currently working towards.

i need to fight all the nylotha bosses on 10 more characters 4x for the skip. lol god help me

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Amen /10 chars

I did the ā€œeasyā€ BFA mythic raids twice today and just felt a profound sense of shame for spending a sunny weekend afternoon doing this. At least with the trivial raids (ie. how it used to be) I can just blast through in 10-15 minutes. I canā€™t imagine having to do that entire raid 40 timesā€¦

ā€œnow Iā€™ll never do itā€

Since when, Billy? Since when EVER have we been gated to solo mythic raids?

Geez, Louise. The expansion isnā€™t even out yet, Sophia. In two weeks you exact same casuals will be back here saying how easy it is.

Try a new MMO that hasnā€™t lasted 20 years, yo? Go already. Itā€™s you mega casuals that wreck this place, you big Sally.

I put 40+ hours into this hobbyba week. This is my game, not yours. Some lazy no attention span quickto rip raids in 5 minutes because their skill level is two expansion packs back.

Toodles :person_shrugging:

Do you mean $180? Less if you get the 6 month?

Ever heard of rounding up

Ever heard spiting the titans?