Not buying TWW until legacy scaling is fixed

During WoD I was able to run Cata raids on my worst-geared max level characters. That’s how it used to be. In the next expansion, a well-geared player could solo the previous expansion’s raids. In two expansions, any max level player could solo an old raid.

A well-geared level 100 was no longer able to run those same Cata raids he did during wod as a Legion twink post level scaling. That’s when the change happened.

They also gutted the stats by removing versatility from them. So if you had bought both stat variations, now they had the same stats. Everything was crit haste, crit, or haste.

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Did i miss something are you saying you cant solo legion and bfa content?
I just soloed mythic tomb and mythic BoD with no issue. I just pushed W and atked. Never got close to dying. It was like the mobs couldnt hit me.
Does theblast bfa raid scale so much more?
I did this on my 515 dh, so he isnt even fully geared out.
Or are you trying to do this on a fresh 70 with your levleong gear? If so has that ever worked?

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What a weird reason to threaten to not buy an expansion. If you want to play classic content there’s an entire mode just for people that enjoy classic content. Why in the world would you care about old content when the new content should last you, at bare minimum, 3-4 months. Make it make sense.

Scaling will never be fixed because it was never done right in the first place. They tried to jump on the bandwagon when a big “ELDER” competitor did worldwide level scaling, but instead of taking the time to build it into the game as their competitor did, they just ( as usual ) tried to copy and paste the functionality into WoW with the least work needed. That “ELDER” competitor spent years on the tech needed, while Blizz shoehorned it in as fast as possible irregardless of it being ready or not.


What a bizarre response. So you think people who play classic are able to solo raids? You’ve convinced me that you’ve never played classic. And actually, to suggest that this player will be able to play how they want in classic, which they clearly stated as “want to be able to solo BfA raids for transmog” kind of suggests either you’ve never played any version of the game, or have zero reading comprehension.

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Most of yall are crazy and dont know better. Most of the time legacy expansion becomes soloable once one or two expansion passes. Scaling with that is nothing new. I havent decide to solo bfa dungeons because its not there yet. Your mindset spark me to try and solo a bfa dungeon and see if i have the same result.

Pre-patch tuned everything to scale with level 80 as max. Of course you’re going to lose some ground doing them at 70.

I soloed BfA mythic dungeons on a well-geared 60 before the prepatch. Did they change scaling on heroic and mythic dungeons? They are dealt with separately.

the question is, why

Legion was undoable yes but SL was 2 after legion.
Midnight will be 2 after DF not 2 after SL.
So DF maybe unsoloable for like half of it but SL should get the 100x buff by then.

No such thing as x100 damage buff. Every end of expansion power increases by 5. So end of war within we should have the power of 5 raid groups in BFA. A raid group in SL and 5 players in DF.

By end of patch standards, no. But if you told someone at the start of the expac they would need to be 515 (when ilvl ~390 was fairly geared) to have an easy time soloing BFA it would be different.

Yep, in the past it worked like that which is the core of the issue here. WoD max level chars in questing greens would absolutely steamroll Cata raids (2 expacs ago) because there was a hidden damage multiplier. Same held true until the SL prepatch when the bonus was no longer being added.

The problem is they stopped adding this modifier for some reason. The devs are nerfing player power each prepatch and then implicitly saying you will be at least 10x stronger once you reach level cap again, which is not usually the case, it’s more like 5x. And since the legacy content gets indirectly buffed in the prepatch it’s more like 2.5x.

Scaling is just generally incredibly broken. It’s blatant in MoP Remix, where you can have your secondary stats in the dozens and oneshot everything, go up few levels, and have them all drop to sub-10% somehow and have the DPS of wet noodles. Heirlooms are a bandaid meant to hide the terrible gearing/stats as you jump between scaling brackets during levelling. I feel like through all the various expansions, squishes, buffs, nerfs, removed borrowed power systems, changed talents, and various kinds of exponential scling, the whole system became unbelievably messed up and convoluted. And they just keep throwing more onto the pile, while it all needs to be redesigned from the ground-up and kept consistent.

Whether on purpose or by accident, the legacy raids are probably a victim of that too. They aim to keep end-of-expansion numbers and kill times the same every expansion, so we get nerfed every expansion so we can “regain” that power. The constant nerfs and exponential scaling leave legacy content numbers to crash and burn, but they see it as irrelevant content and don’t care about it. It suffers because all that matters is enforcing the “vison” they have for the current end game.


Wow umadbro? What an odd response. Newsflash. We’ve all played that dumpster fire classic. Point being if you want to do old content go play that. Id rather the devs actually focus on making new and improved content. Also who the crap can’t solo any raid from BFA at this point? It’s not complicated and I can only think of 1 fight that requires more then just 1 person in all of the content in BFA. Also just on a side note here we’re playing an MMO. You anti social weirdos just want the ability to solo anything and it’s just odd.

Also another side note you can’t say someone has zero reading comprehension skills and also state they never played any version of the game…when it’s clear the icon next to my name says lvl 70 shaman.

Again, OP wants to solo BFA raids like she did before. Not play classic.

Since clearly you have read nothing in this thread, I’ll explain it to you in simple terms.

They buffed BfA raids a lot and made them harder to do. You can pretend you can solo any content in the game if it strokes your ego. But if you haven’t done any of these since the last reset, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Feel free to stop giving odd responses that reveal you are clueless about the situation.

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Sooooo Ive solod multiple raids in BFA and sl just because ive got nothing else to do lately. And I’ve done it on my shaman at 500 I lvl. So… Please explain to me how blizzard made it harder…when it’s actually easier right now then it’s been all of df. Also for further context here’s a wow head article

why would they increase the hp of legacy bosses???

Intentional griefing.

Just malicious.

Sure, you were doing it before the 11.0 patch.

Which is clearly labeled 10.2.7

Did you read the OP at all?

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people just want to be contrarians