Not buying TWW until legacy scaling is fixed

ahh yes. the “max gear” from content which is is miles away from being anywhere within the reach of anyone currently testing.

feel free to refresh your memory.

google has the ability to remember things on your behalf.

drama llamas: oh wait, it actually is fine.

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b b but ion said actually that this never happened!!

you can buy 629 gladiator gear which is same ilvl as mythic LMAO

do u even test bro

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oh… you think that’s “max” gear? :thinking:

…first patch will probably see greens at that level.

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I solo’d the first two bosses of Nathria mythic 3 nights ago then left to play PuBG with my friends. They’ll be quite soloable in TWWs with the new gear.

greens cap out at 571 heroic dungeon is 580 LFR is 597 normal is 600s , heroic is 610s and mythic is 625-9

oh i see the issue.

you just don’t understand how expansions, patches, or gear works.

good thing you’ve formed such solid opinions on this stuff.


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i understand the beta as it stands rn , thats what we have

you can preview nerubar gear live right now. mythic is 629

Is this the wrong place to complain about Heirloom ilvls? Cause they suck!

adding: “doesn’t understand beta” to the list.

I’m guessing you’re going to wait a couple of months, and then decide to reference this thread with the reliable old “we said this in beta!!” ?

…as if they collect beta feedback from GD?

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so, for you, max gear is season 4 of WW in 2 years? u dun understand??

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wouldnt bother with her. shell defend blizzard no matter what they do.


what does “max” mean this week?

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u really are a lost cowse

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how did you even manage to take that away from anything i’ve said?

literally telling someone they’re posting in the wrong forum… and that’s somehow blizz’s fault?


oh wait.
of course it is.
everything is blizz’s fault.
rained last night, blame blizz. sun came out this morning. blizz are so bad.

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These got changed a while ago (I don’t remember when) to scale like “green” gear instead of “blue” gear, and the bonus xp got removed. It was a pretty spicy nerf.

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Well… their name is “Blizzard” so… at least they can have a linguistic funny-point if they want to blame Blizz about the weather.

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But they help rested!

The rested not really useful in retail, imo. Classic, yeah, I rotate levelers to get the rested up. We hit slogs there a few times.

One often goes in the 50 to 60…are we there yet! a lot. 60 to 61 then 70 to 71 for some instanced based content is on an odd scale too. You will do more to hit that say 61. At 61 a better scale hits to cruise to 70.

Retail lacks these slogs, mostly. For me 60 to 70 was just painful due to story. I can actually enjoy dumping out of RDF spam to enjoy even cata story. Retail, no. LFD please.

Great idea thank you for sharing I did not think of that.

You do realize it’s on purpose right? Legion onward was the start of really cool mythic sets. And they don’t want us filthy heroic raider’s getting our peasant mitts on them , many years after the fact. Small indie dev and all that .