Not banning streamers for exploiting

Prove it. The bans are STARTING to go out, not finished. As well, any action taken by Blizzard is between the player being actioned and Blizzard. It is literally none of your business unless you are the one getting actioned.

They took action against streamers using the experience potion exploit. I don’t see them not taking action this time.


was he tho?

That’s your opinion. Knowing the guilty get what’s coming to them is a good thing. If it wasn’t, executions would not be something done with an audience.

People here were not born yesterday, so don’t act like one of those people who hang out in the customer support forum and agree with with any nonsense tossed your way.

Prove they will be banned.

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People believe a lot of nonsense streamers say as well, when in most cases they don’t know anything more than other players. They all knew the leveling potion was an exploit. They all claimed they knew it while they were doing it. They did it anyway.

Like players that constantly bash Blizzard? Players are awfully quick to jump on the bandwagon if someone bashes Blizzard. It doesn’t make it true either.

You came here and claimed that Blizzard wasn’t going to ban streamers or take their loot away. It’s your thread. Prove that it’s going to happen the way you say it is.

Same thing here, but certain streamers magically seem immune to actions that others are not immune to.

That’s no better than people who white knight them, trying to mask their accountability. They’re not infallible.

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They aren’t as at fault as players make them out to be either.

Again, (and I mean this with no amount of disrespect) but people here were not born yesterday.

Blizzard loves streamers. Its why else were.there so many streamers in the beta. Devs even go on streamers streams. Too bad

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“OK for streamers* to exploit for personal gains.”


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I’ve seen asmongold abusing it off a clip’d twitch video. Do some digging around, if that isn’t sufficient enough proof I don’t know what is, lmfao.

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The raid “bug” was the slot of vanilla.

Hey streamer fans, come back to the raid in hopes of another pull on the slot machine.


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It’s coming. Don’t worry.

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Really? Some losers DDoS the ISP ahead of Blizzard’s servers. Players are on the forum demanding that Blizzard fix it when they aren’t the ones doing the DDoS attack and it’s the ISP that is getting attacked. How is that Blizzard’s fault?

Players post all the time that it’s Blizzard’s fault because something they really wanted doesn’t drop for them but does for their friend.

Players post all the time that their connection issue has to be with Blizzard because their computer gets online fine, even though there’s a lot of hardware and infrastructure between them and the Blizzard servers that Blizzard has absolutely no control over.

Players post like they were born yesterday. They believe the big bad Blizzard has it out for them. One player out of millions. They say that Blizzard is not banning streamers because they are streamers like they have inside information on it or something. Totally ignoring the fact that Blizzard gave some of the longest bans to streamers using the leveling potion bug.


I’m not a big fan of streamers, either, but do any of you think this issue would be fixed right now had they not called attention to it?

Possibly. But if the leveling potion explolit is anything to go by, if the streamers don’t get an almost instantaneous response from Blizzard then they say Blizzard must intend it and do it anyway. Even if they know it’s hinky. Even if they know it’s an exploit and that Blizzard is going to do something about it. The apparent speed of the “fix” is deceiving. It is more likely that Blizzard was working on it for a while.

Lol, from what I’ve seen in game, yes, most of the classic community are in fact 12 year olds who watch other people play video games.

I don’t have a strong opinion on this one way or the other. I can’t stand Esfand but in this case, I think he was probably doing things the right way. Maybe not, idk.


What I found really amusing was all the other videos I saw of people who tried the bug just for “research purposes” or to better understand the nature of the problem. Bud, plz.

Don’t strawman this conversation, I’m not doing that to you.

Has anyone been banned for the exploit(s) being discussed?

Or is it just “streamer bad, streamer did something, so streamer need be banned!”