Not another Raider IO thread

What about ilvl, or gear score, or lack of gear?

Blizzard offered him a job at one point and he turned it down because he didn’t want to (or couldn’t) relocate. I feel bad for his medical issues, but let’s keep the facts in mind when trying to spin your “Blizzard is taking advantage of people” narrative.

I have made this comparison before, but I think IO is like GitHub. It lets the person interested in you take a look at your skill. If you have the skills that the person needs then its a Godsend, if not, its a terrible system and needs to be abolished.

Lets think this through for just a second. Why would blizzard not want to make their own version of RIO? Lazy? Maybe.

I think the real reason blizzard does not implement the system is because they cant figure out a way to guage experience with out actually using experience. This is what RIO does, put a number to your experience, much like gear score did in wrath and then ilvl did from cata-wod.

I think there are four ways blizzard could fix the system, but all in all it would require a ton of work and I don’t think it would solve any problems. one would almost solve the issue on it’s own but cause an outcry of biblical proportions.

  1. something like guildwars does with their fractals system, which is a an ever present dot that increases in damage the higher up you go, as you run more and more of the fractals you get gems that give you resistance to this dot. Every fractal gives you a recommended resistance number so you know what your resistance need to be not to get one shot by the dot.

  2. Remove titanforging from m+ and have the gear have it’s own m+ ilvl. I don’t think this would work because titanforging is one reason people still do their +10 weekly.

  3. Add m+ to the lfd system. Make each level ilvl restricted like heroics are and remove the key. This way there is none of this exclusivity because everyone can queue at will. I don’t think this would work because if history repeats, it would be the most magnificent show of poop you will have ever seen.

  4. Remove titanforging and make loot static. This would require you to move through m+ like it was a progression system instead of a skip to step 6 and repeat. This would not go over well with the general community and probably be the most controversial of the lot.

Ofc with all of these RIO would have to be broken.

But I will always say if players, and blizzard actually used m+ how it should be used, the existence of RIO would not matter.

Dear god an actual suggestion in this mess of a thread with great idea. I am not saying get rid of it but Blizzard pretending like it does not exist is getting pretty stupid.

Even Ythisens on his stream uses Raider IO constantly and he was a CM. It obviously works but it is not enough of an ingame incentive to raise it.

Either create something better Blizzard or put incentives in game to raise it even higher is what I want.

Personally I want a Conquest type system as bad luck protection. If you do a +11 then you can get the Hands reward this week + the Mythic cache. Have it be cumulative so that people have an incentive to login.

Raider IO is wierd as it measures Seasons. So log in day 1 get it high enough then come back the next season. As far as I know your Raider IO score does not degrade over time.

Oh God is this the guy from last Raider IO thread who kept spamming confirmation bias ALL the time… And everything cuz he kept getting declined

Well with all vitriol going around with RIO can you blame them for not making their own?

I think the way blizzard is dealing with it is the only way they can. Add it and there will be blood, break it and risk losing even more players.

I have been thinking about it for a few days and honestly for as much good as it would do, I absolutely feel that m+ should be in the lfd. I know crazy right? At least at that point people can’t blame an add-on for their problems, it would have to come down to the community, and soley the community. It also might open the eyes of the anti-RIO group why a filtering system is required. This would have no real affect on people who are using the systems available as chances are they would not go near lfd m+ with 1000 foot pole.

I think it would also be a huge indication of why gear should be more static than it is right now.

This is the issue. M+9s and bellow are not rewarding because of the stupid gearing blizzard has in place. Mythic + 10s should actually reward better gear for their difficulty. People should be incentivized to do the lower level mythics but they dont have to when you get ilvl 400 stuff from darkshore and titan forged wqs.

People played this game for years thinking that geared people were good just because of their gear and whined and complained until blizzard made the gap so small it doesnt matter anymore, but the good people are still good and IO is needed to show that.

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I would rather see people just pick the difficulty of the dungeon they want to do and have an optional queue for it. I would also like to see it give better rewards but give no rewards if you didnt make the timer. Hell if you look at my raider IO you will see a bunch of failed runs because we dont need to make time to get the rewards and will just work another key back up real fast when we need to. We just slam our face into it, we dont need to do any routes we just take our time.

Raider IO doesn’t seem to affect me, but I tend to have a higher than avg ilvl and don’t go much higher than ~14-15 on keys.
My opinion on it is that it’s about ~40% reliable. It can tell people what you’re potentially capable of but it doesn’t tell them what you can’t do. I think you should be able to opt out of having a public score if you want.

Hes got 2400 patrons on patreon, hes probably making close to a normal salary playing video games now.

The problem isn’t raider io. The problem is that access to all end content worth doing is now controlled by players who have no incentive to help anyone.

Its really been that way since vanilla. The only time I ever helped people in a raiding guild was to replace other that had left.

I still dont help anyone unless they are on my raid team.

Not really. In Legion casuals found lots of fun and rewarding content to do. Not so in BfA.

Its the same setup now though. Raider IO was around in legion. It was just easier to get your key up to a 10 in m+ because tyrannical and fortified didnt show up til 10+

can you explain to me exactly how someone not inviting you to their key is prohibiting you from using your own key?

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Not sure why you quoted me.

So then push your own key. I’m not sure why this is such a foreign concept

oops, sorry. idk why it put that quote in there instead of hte one I meant. I’ll fix it

I participated in lower keys to better understand mechanics. I didn’t just try to jump in to a mythic+7 because I had the gear. But I see your point.

A mythic+0 is not challenging when overgeared. You will not learn much. At +2 it becomes more obvious what needs to be done.

Geting past 400 without doing mythics or raids is highly unlikely. TF/WF and darkshore are so scarce and random that even thou its possible does not mean its probable.

I’ve been trying to point out that this statement isn’t entirely accurate. Open minded players that are for RIO agree that completion does not always equal competence.

Players can be carried or lucky. If looking at more than just the IO score you can see that but people tend to abuse the tool and just look at the overall number and judge upon that.

Their can be multiple reasons a player gets denied. Class,spec, build, even the players already in the group its self. But when RIO is put above everything else its easy to see how the tool can be abused and be a source of discrimination.

I’m currently doing research to see how effective the tool really is. Overall I’ve yet to see facts. Just players experience and that varies just as much as looking at something like ilvl.

If the tool is proven to be more reliable than other methods provided IN GAME and is supported by hard facts any argument against it is futile.

BUT if the tool is only useful 20% of the time and has the ability to be abused 80% of the time it literally does more harm than good and can easily be viewed as a tool for discrimination.