Not another Raider IO thread

A lot of times these anti Raider IO threads devolve into personal attacks. There’s the groups that yell “git gud” and the groups that yell about elitists. I wanted to have an honest and open discussion with the community at large and attempt to avoid any personal attacks for as long as possible.

I can only speak to my experiences. I’ll try to refrain from making generalized comments that assume things about everyone else’s experience. I ask that you do the same. Presenting anecdotal evidence only applies to the person presenting it so of course everyone else’s experience will vary.

I’m someone who has never cared or known what Raider IO was until a few months ago. I wasn’t a M+ pusher and I only raided. Until this titan residuum came out, I didn’t care about pushing M+. So I only start with that to say that its never too late to start pushing keys and its fairly easy to catch up. I now run with the same 3 other people using various alts. We push keys to around 14-15 depending on the week, but having only 4 of us we always pug someone.

So how do we decide on a pug for our +10 through +15 keys? Almost 100% of the time its group composition. We’re looking for a class with heroism/lust or a class with a battle rez. Maybe we’re melee heavy and looking for a ranged. I promise you high Raider IO people get rejected all the time too. Raider IO is not where we go to first. We don’t treat Raider IO scores like item levels, but do take it into account depending on the key. Do I expect you to have a 800+ Raider IO to run a +10 RK? Probably not. What about a +15 KR? You bet. Why?

For me it tells me you’re experienced with M+ at the upper level. I know you’ve seen all these affixes several times. I also check to see your highest key completion. If you have a 1500 Raider IO score but haven’t even set foot in KR, you’re likely going to be a burden.

Is Raider IO a perfect flawless system? Absolutely not. It requires cross realm grouping and its lower keys are capped early in the week making it difficult for M+ pushers to get started. It gives the illusion (not so different than an ilvl) that a player is “good” at M+ when that’s highly subjective to the affixes for the week.

I see why people with low/no IO score hate it and think its unfair. In some ways it is just like item level. It is not a wall you can’t get over. The best way to get started (assuming you want to pug and not run with guildies) is to run a 0 for your +2 key and form your own group to try and push. It’s not an overnight thing and depending on your successes can take several weeks before your IO score lets you jump in with other groups where you’re not hosting the key.

Anyway I look forward to hearing about your experiences. These are mine and I just want to offer encouragement to anyone who thinks they’re at a wall with M+ because of Raider IO.


My experiences (literally) have been this:

Didn’t use RIO - runs were awful, a lot of my keys got failed.

Did use RIO - Failed far less keys, wasted less time, less leavers & had better experience overall.

This was not simply coincidence or chance. It’s extremely simple to understand… No one looks to run their key with the goal of failing it/not even completing it. RIO helps keys get timed & upgraded, period.


Imagine if your IQ was basic knowledge for people and that was the main factor for on whether people would accept you for jobs.

You’d be unemployed for the rest of your life I’d imagine.

Well that didn’t take long.


I mean… RIO and resumes/CVs both depict your past experience… And any well paying, ideal job is going to demand prior work experience and knowledge in the field…

Not being able to draw a parallel between the usefulness of past experience that had developed particular skills for you, for M+ or a job is pretty low IQ imo. Makes perfect sense to me.


I saw the parallel which is why I brought it up. I am all for RIO n’ people really need to stop moaning about it.

I agree it has benefit which is why we use it, but the scorched earth attitude isn’t doing people on the other side any favors.

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3rd post and we already have a personal attack. LMFAO!

No, but in all reality. It is not hard to grasp the concept of why people champion R IO and why people hate it.

It is nothing but a history of your prior dungeons completed. Nothing more and nothing less. It does not make people think some sort of way or another as it does not have that capability, it is just a database of dungeons ran by the players that draws the information directly from Blizzard’s M+ realm leaderboards, which we also have access to.

Now if you have a +10 and your point is to complete it on time you can go download this addon or pull up the website and filter your many applicants by their experience, since at you will need capable players to achieve your goal of completing on time and it is your group so you may bring whoever you please.

Now there is this notion of people that hate it that think they are being kept out of group because of it. This is simply not true and could never be true, because a website that it’s sole purpose is to just be a database is unable to keep you from joining a group, literally. It is just the community perception of having low to no IO means you are a bad/not as good player, which in most cases is true and I don’t mean that as an attack on anybody, just my own personal experience backs my point.

Okay but how did you know? Did you run a scientific study? If not then how could you possibly know that it wasn’t a coincidence?

By a little sumthin’ called CORRELATION.

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So you’re using confirmation bias and what you personally like to distort what should’ve been a scientific experiment… ok.

Raider IO isn’t a problem. Everyone wanting to be included with minimal effort is the main issue.



I can from my over 300+ M+ ran that the point he is making is 100% true. This is almost a good scientific study, we have multiple cases and they all seem to give the same result. R IO = easier and more effective M+ clearing.

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Raider IO = discrimination


This is why people report your posts.


How is it not discrimination? Using an outside tool to pick and choose who you want in a group shouldn’t even be allowed. They banned that add on that excluded Latin servers they should ban Raider IO

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Are resumes discrimination? Or is your entire argument that it is an outside website? So, if they added it directly to the WoWUI you would no longer have an issue with it?


I wouldn’t have an issue with it, no. Any 3rd party program that helps to deny other players the chance at anything is bad. RIO is unreliable and often uses messed up thresholds to determine one’s score. If someone had a bad key once that can screw uo their entire score and get them blacklisted because “ur io sucks lol”

Blizzard will never ban IO and tbh they will probably include it into the UI, much like they have already implemented it to the Armory. So people would check the Armory because it also has a history of your dungeons ran and you would still get declined. M+ is competitive and meant for a organized group of players, Blizz has stated this themselves.

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Your logic is flawed in that you are denied nothing. No one is obligated to invite you into THEIR group. You have the same opportunity they do to form your own group.

OTish: Honestly forums, what in the actual fish is up with people wanting to force themselves on others rather than find people that WANT to be with them?

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