Not another Raider IO thread

raiderio is a very hateful add on/system.

It is in existence only because of overtuning of these ridiculous mythic plus dungeons.

It needs to be stamped out and banned by Blizzard.

Players need to boycott raiderio and refuse to use it or group with people who do!

Tuning is fine.

While I don’t boycott groups that say checking rio (without specifying a rio score they’re looking for), I do tend to avoid them…

i cant wait for the lvl squish to remove m+ and the use of raider io.

If the only thing that comes out of these discussions is you boycotting my groups, I consider that a huge win

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Actually, I think it is a win for both of us!

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Personally, I don’t like having to log activity and upload it to external sites that analyze my activity, tell me everythin I’m doing wrong (often not taking actual fight mechanics into account), and then rank me against super competitive players.

I’m no slouch, but I’m also not interested in playing with “one & done” people who want your gearscore/ilvl/AoTC/Raider.IO/whatever linked before even considering you.

I tried pugging but it seems like most groups are either advertising carries for gold or want a Legendary parsing player to carry them for free.

I do stuff with people I know and trust now and have a lot more fun. It’s just a game.

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the lvl squish will kill m+ and raider io soon enough.i doubt m+ will be a thing after the lvl squish.

Tell that to people who rely on it heavily in game right now. I am a walking talking example of this now.

On one character my IO is far higher then other completing +11 content but on the other my best is +7.

Both are Paladins from different factions with EXTREMELY close ilvls. One character is treated like trash by the community and the other I am on multiple friend list with people who ask me to tank as soon as I logon.

IO needs much more data on the BlzzTag level to function more effectively. Blizzard also needs to roll the Raider IO into WoW with a Conquest type system as bad luck protection.,

Imagine a system where I know how much Raider IO I need for a week to get guaranteed gloves for example. You still get a Mythic + cache but would have a set reward weekly.

Does it? I don’t think it needs anything, more data might make it slightly more correlated with successful groups, but as it is the gap between raider io and ilvl based groups is large enough that it serves a real use.

I don’t think your ability to get into groups is relevant. You can use your own key if you have problems getting into groups.

i really think you two just aren’t as good as you think you are

good players have high IO. there’s no accidental way to get a high score and the only way to have a low one is to not do the content

what’s more likely, you aren’t good at the video game as you think or you’re a great player who just hasn’t gotten that “look” or chance to prove themselves, even tho the expansion is many months old.

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You’re failing to even chest a +7. Why again should I be forced to carry you in keys you shouldn’t be in? It sounds to me like your other character which doesn’t seem to exist just gets carried through content.


Yet again I am proven correct. Go look at my main. You rely on this character to make your decision. This is just one reason I consider the current system broken

Doesn’t prove anything. The only thing I’m seeing is you using somebody elses key and still failing and depleting the few 10s that you’ve done. Your TD key you literally got carried by a DH lol. The system is working as it should. You’re really not as good as you think that you are.

Take it you are not too familiar with tanking. Guild needs me to tank so I am tanking. Best way they figure for me to learn is throw me into the deep end.

In this thread I have advocated that Raider IO is the best of a worst system we currently have because Blizzard refuses to design something better.

Also FOTM Rogue talking crap on a DH is pretty funny.

I am considering I tanked M+ on a Guardian druid in legion. Are we going to pretend that tanking is hard?

Also are you actually trying to imply that DH isn’t FOTM since the very start of the expansion and somehow takes more skill to play?

You will literally never get better at this game if you want to sit here and not admit that just maybe, you’re the source of the problem and not every person around you.

If you can’t raise your score, that’s your problem. That is because you want carried and don’t want to put in effort to raise your score. It’s really not that hard to do.

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the only things you’re proving are your own foolishness and willingness to rely solely on false equivalence to push your point of view.

you have been told several times by many of us that merely syncing your account on the rio site will allow you to use your mains score to elect not to do so but still complain about your alt being judged on it’s experience alone is foolish and frankly childish.

your paladins while similar in ilvl are also very different the one you’re primarily running on seems to tank the vast majority of it’s runs while the other has exclusively dpsed.

a prot paladin isn’t going to have too much trouble finding a group given that it’s a mid range tank not the best but certainly not the worst especially when considering it’s faction alone will assure a much smaller pool of players to pick from to begin with. so that’s mid value/desirability spec in a high demand role with very little competition. as such it won’t have much issue regardless of rio getting into groups on it’s own merits.

a ret paladin is an off-meta melee dps in the bottom 1/3rd of all dps specs it’s going to struggle immensely getting into groups for that alone it brings no critical utility, and it’s dps profile just doesn’t sync well with the content added to that it’s horde which means it has an immense amount of competition by comparison. so that’s very low value/desirability spec low demand role with a very high amount of competition. as such it’s going to struggle immensely to get into groups without relying on your mains io(psst this is one of many advantages to properly using the tool without it you’d be up a certain creek without a paddle).

so at the end of the day the 2 paladins are not remotely comparable and to attempt to do so is pure false equivalency.

now i’m not going to attack you as a player, but I am going to say that you like the vast majority of people that come to the forums and complain about rio were so eager to demonize it that you abandoned logic and common sense in doing so.

in addition to that you like the majority of them have also shown a clear lack of understanding on how to correctly use the site and it’s add on component and even how the core site it’s self functions, sync your account like many of us have told you and the rio portion of your issue will disappear completely but if you elect not to do so that’s not a problem with the tool or the players using it it’s a problem with you.


But I love the personal attacks, they are funny.

I DO NOT think it is a 3rd party sites job to manage Blizzards MMO. You guys might be ok with giving them a pass but I am not.

Lets try this. How much do you know about the guy who makes DBM? Basically a critical addon at this point. Did you know he barely make any money from it and has serious medical issues?

How much money has Blizzard made because this guy has made their MMO more bearable for people to use and learn?

I am sick and tired of how lazy Blizzard is passing off core responsibilities to 3rd party sites. What happens if the Raider IO guys say screw it and move on? Where are they making their money from to manage this data? What are they allowed to do with that data?

Raider IO needs to be rolled into the MMO itself. I do not think I am asking for a lot when children like you rely on it so heavily without considering the consequences of letting Blizzard take advantage of 3rd party creators who are not getting paid.

I know Blizzard is famous for making money off their developers and taking advantage of their passion but it needs to stop.

Luckily, it looks like you don’t have to worry about going to those +10 and above keys.

But we are so glad you had a contribution to this topic.

From what delusion planet do you hail? What in the you-know-what, would a lvl squish do to remove M+. You know even in a squish, max level will still be max level, and wonder of wonders max level content will still exist.

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