Not another Raider IO thread

I had to be overgeared to participate in a +2 just to not get declined.

You could have done a Mythic+0 and pushed your own key. You know, joining other people’s groups is not your only option.

Most of my friends stopped doing M+ because of this crap debate on the system. I’m about done with this expansion as nothing is going to change until another expansion. I don’t want to be a pro M+ runner yet it seems that is what folks want. I think its a crazy system right now.

I suppose the problem with these debates is - what outcome are you expecting from them?

they’re not overly productive. Players who see value in grouping with others of similar experience aren’t going to change their habits. Players who don’t have experience but want to be included in higher key runs aren’t going to change theirs either.

Can’t make a group for a key if u don’t have 1. And I used the term manipulate because someone said that’s what I did.

Would you prefer players to make a group for a mythic with a side note saying they have never done 1? I don’t think they could make a full group in that manner.

people keep saying this, but literally anyone can get a key. anyone. There is NO scarcity of keys.

just go run a mythic 0 and one will appear in your bags.

maybe blizzard needs to be more obvious about how you get a key.

Becase when reading about Mythic this Can easily be missed.

Do u have a comment about the rest of the statement you pulled my quote from?

this part?

that’s not my problem, and it has an obvious solution

If there truly is a large number of players that can’t get into groups because they have low io scores, they can solve their problem by grouping together.

That’s a stupid parallel. Every metric we’ve had had to filter groups, whether it be inspecting people on the Org Bank, Gearscore, AotC and now RIO, has been based purely on experience.

I don’t know why you’d think that IQ would be a decent parallel.

But if we’re looking at it from a real life analogy, RIO would be like requiring experience to get experience, but every single person has the ability to create a small business with no real financial or other risk to themselves to get that experience.

Couldn’t something similar be said against RIO…

If you have a problem with inexperienced players then you should group with Friends and guildies you know are good?

This is actually a very solid argument against Raider IO. Someone shouldn’t be getting declined from groups just because an add-on said to.

Absolutely right. Never met a video game community that has had this mindset. This is incredibly odd behavior and WoW is the only one I’ve seen with this sense of entitlement. It is super bizarre. I don’t know where it comes from or what caused it to be so prevalent.

In my experience it depends on the people using it

RaiderIO is definitely a handy tool, especially as you climb up higher and higher in keys

But some peeps just get silly with it. For example I had a tank questioning me in a +2 on my 380+ main who’s two and three chested +2’s before. Why? Because I hadn’t done the dungeon on mythic before, and it’s just like yah…that’s why I’m doing it on a +2 first and not a +5 or +6?

So overall I think RaiderIO is a pretty good tool, it’s just prone to being misused by tools who expect too much :woman_shrugging:


Imagine a game where people are denied the ability to do content that they are geared, or overgeared, for, because a third party website said not to invite them to your groups.



The main problem with RIO is where it is applied.

To my knowledge the LFG tool was created for players who had trouble finding groups for content. Now with RIO people who have trouble finding groups outside of the LFG tool are being told they have to just to use that same tool.

So then why don’t they just start their own groups?

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Tackled that issue already but these threads get too long lol.

That’s what I did I got into a mythic to earn a keystone to push my keys. I do research and blah blah blah.

RIO can be a useful tool but can be misused and create discrimination.

I’m just stating points for and against RIO.

The fact its applied to the LFG tool hurts the people that it was created for.

do you truly believe that your score is what makes people decline you? that’s comical to an extent if so let me break it down for you please do not misunderstand this as an attack on you i’m merely trying to show you the alternative and far more likely reasons you would be declined.

strike one: you’re playing an affliction lock you are one of the worst dps overall to bring to a M+ your specs toolkit and dps profile are so woefully lacking that it makes other bottom tier M+ specs such as enh shams actually look decent ~60-70% of groups trying push a key will decline you for this reason alone.

strike 2: your experience is lacking and by this I mean from the start of the xpac until now you’ve ran fewer then 10 m+ in total none of which were high enough for you to even see the 3rd affix let alone the 4th seasonal affix and legion doesn’t look much better in that regard, to a person forming a group with the intention of pushing the key this is a huge red flag it shows you’re unwilling to put in the effort to advance yourself so how can they then trust you to put in the effort to push their key when the only evidence available suggests you’re not?

Strike 3: now this one will only usually come into play when approaching a 10 or higher but you’re incorrectly enchanted which again speaks to your willingness to put in effort this time in the area of researching your own class and maximizing performance when you’re trying to enter competitive content this kind of thing is important.

now take note at no point in there was rio used for anything other then taking a peak thru a looking glass at your experience your score never factored into anything because your score is not the cause of any of it but actually the direct result of all of it combined.

now once again those weren’t attacks but rather a way to show how just blindly blaming rio whenever someone with a low score gets declined is just silly more often then not the reason for the decline is more closely linked to one of those 3 reasons then your rio score.


Wow that’s not only seems like an attack but a well thought out and exacuted attack…lol

Now you had to look at this persons character and do an in-depth evaluation. Would you do the same wile evaluating who you invited to your group or just go off the IO.

What if IO was high would you do a similar evaluation? Or just accept because of IO.

Plenty of players who know what they are doing could have a low IO and just be trying to advance.

Players with high IO could know less and been carried. Or have less knowledge of there toon or of the specific mythic.

RIO is not perfect and that’s something everyone agrees on. But some players base what they do solely of RIO and that misuse of it creates discrimination.

Gear doesn’t mean much at this stage though

Perfect example, my ‘main’ is in the mid 380’s. On paper that makes them geared enough to push +10’s, however not in a million years would I trust myself in a +10 at this stage and I wouldn’t expect anybody else to regardless of my ilvl

ilvl is entirely arbitrary these days and doesn’t indicate anything of much at all