Not another Raider IO thread

Funny because that’s exactly what happens when I push keys. I don’t think I’m the only one who does research.

Example: after doing the motherlode 3+ times I’m the only one who tries to stop the jokey from getting into the machine… And I’ve accepted people who link. Good IO and still don’t try to stop this. Some people interrupt everything they can even when there is a priority that should be followed.

EDIT:Sorry…I’m trying to maintain guidlines of OP and not be rude.Sorry if I come across as rude

How you should feel, and the next thing i quote proves the point, is this.

You got declined by United Airlines because the only flight experience you had on your resume was flying paper air planes.

This is why your RIO score is low, because some arbitrary number that would not be near as high pre legion tells you you are qualified. You are trying to skip the parts of the system that would help you the most. Being overgeared for content does not mean you are qualified for the content.

So in this case you are being dishonest about your experience (ilvl) and RIO is calling you out for it. Play the content how it should be played and your issues will fade away.

Not trying to Skip just trying to do content that is rewarding… Only reason I didn’t get declined I assume was because of my ilvl

I attepemted to complete when I was proper lvl for mythic +2 and got declined…

Ilvl does not matter anymore, this is in part why RIO exists.

Before legion, ilvl worked because there was a maximum threshold that you could gain from doing any particular content. I could look at your ilvl and know what you have done which in turn allowed me to judge if i wanted you in my group. Now though you can gain so much gear through content that requires nothing of you but to hit a queue button, that i can’t tell by your ilvl what you have or have not done.

You’re also a dps. This will be an issue for you forever. For every one tank or healer that applies to a group 100 dps apply as well.

Its your group your choice and I get that. But the tool is overall incomplete. I stated that.I’m just pointing out pros and cons.

What do u thiIink about the…does completion = competence part I stated

Also please be reasonable. I’m pointing out strength and weeks of R IO. OP clearly states this is a discussion. Refrain from being too close minded. There are plenty of threads for hate. I posted for a discussion

no, it doesn’t, and no reasonable person has ever claimed that io score equates to competence.

but lack of completion absolutely equates to a lack of experience

and no matter how much reading you’ve done, I don’t want someone with no experience unless they’re a friend or guildie.

Again this is about R IO… I get the dps thing and other factors… I’m not complaining about my specific situation because like I said I’m advancing anyways.

Just pointing out faults of a system that can be manipulated and is overall incomplete.

That is ok. That’s your choice. What about the idea of a system that could give uu mmore complete data… Like being able to know if some got caried… Or if the tank in a mythic got dced and didn’t return… I’m not happy with R IO for many reasons… One of which is incomplete data

I think it depends on what you expect. If you expect a tool where x rio guarantees success, then yes, it’s not that. However, if your expectations are simply the tool which on average gives you better odds than the other options available for pug groups, than it is that.

The fact that it’s not perfect is sort of meaningless since we don’t have a better alternative and rio on average is better than the other options.

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more data would be fantastic. the first place to start is the leaderboard including all runs, not just the top 500 per realm.

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Is this sarcasm?

And im pointing out flaws in your arguements. Sure RIO can be used improperly, but my point is that m+ is also being used improperly.

The problem with guides and videos is that they are not real time. You could know every mechanic in a particular dungeon but that does not mean you can still actually do the mechanics when you are running it. The issues also compound if you are learning them at a difficulty level in which you might not be able to recover.

Nah, I don’t hate it or even care. I’m rather proud of my 0 RIO score - an absolute guarantee that I won’t get swept up in all the “drama.” :smiley:

I agree to a point…I learned my toons very well for example. Knowing my key bindings and abilities because if got skill and knowledge. If I know to what interrupt, when to use defensive cds,boss abilities, ect I apply my skill and knowledge to something I haven’t done.

I know some players don’t do this. So I don’t completely disagree with its concept of RIO I just don’t think its the “end all be all” thing some players make it out to be.

But how do I know how good you are? That is the issue. Like I said before there is no other standard that I could go by that will tell me what you have done. You could be one of the m+ guys from the mdi, But i would not know that if i did not know your name.

Also I’m not using you to actually mean you. Its just easier this way.

You don’t and that’s where RIO does come in handy. But like it was stated, one of the only ways I could advance in mythics is to “manipulate” the system in use… Not because I was being devious but because I couldn’t find guildies to run with and most of my friends don’t play anymore. RIO helps players make decisions off of a law of averages so to speak. But it simultaneously hurts players who are trying to advance and may not have access to other means outside of pugs. Its good and bad.

PS: I left that guild and found a new one. Good guilds can sometimes be hard to find.

sounds like someone was looking for parts in the run.

Getting your own key then pushing it up is manipulating the system?

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TIL doing the content in the way it is designed is manipulating the system.

These forums I swear.