not sure what triggered him more, the fact that the baptist preacher’s daughter converted to atheism or that she was better in the sack because of it, who knows, with him it could be a mixed bag.
Probably both. The first part kinda bothers me but I’m not going to complain about it.
It was the former, just as criticism of Sylvanas triggers you.
so it was the atheism made her better in the sack…interesting. Maybe women are more comfortable in the act when they are not being oppressed.
if I was triggered by Sylvanas criticism I wouldn’t be able to endure these forums.
The fact that you peruse the forums and interject yourself into discussions criticizing Sylvanas says otherwise.
Do you own a Christian Mingle account?
it’s hard to find a forum post these days not criticizing Sylvanas, she’s one of the main antagonists of this expansion. I’m merely joining in the discussions at hand. lol I mostly talk about other things, I’ve talked to you about religion frequently.
I’m not the one out here necro’ing a bunch of old Sylvanas threads today.
No, I don’t do online dating, why you ask? That desperate to try and find ammunition against me?
You probably should, you might find dating a nice Christian man/woman more enjoyable than proselytizing on the World Of Warcraft forums.
Then I’d ask for the number of your WoW girlfriend, but I’m not sure they’re actually a woman.
just ask each other out already.
No, Kyalin is my Warcraft forums crush
lol kay. for real though??
I think she’s married, pretty sure it’s a sin in the Bible to covet another man’s wife.
I said she’s my crush, not my girlfriend (unfortunately)
good luck with that.
I don’t have the words for what a strange and catty puddle this thread has become. Get ye all to a confessional or something wholesome and restorative to your souls.
Attacking people is what passes for “discussion” these days.
Not Mr Steal ya girl!
Speaking of Erevien, he hasn’t posted in a while. Did he get another ban?