Not able to link mounts in chat?

Anyone else having this issue? Either nothing pops up at all. Or multiple paragraphs of gibberish letters. Currently turning off addons one by one to see if it will fix it with no luck.
Update Still can’t figure out what is causing this…but it really sucks trying to try linking things.


You trying to link the love rocket arent you lol


No, I’ve had that for years tbh. And I have a spare in an alt’s bags. :stuck_out_tongue: But someone was asking about aquatic mounts and I was trying to show them some easy ones.


I just tried it right now. Works fine for me. idk :frowning:

It’s really odd. I managed to do it on one toon. But my other toon with no addons can’t.


Eerrmm… maybe it’s a location bug? Have you tried zoning somewhere else, reloaded and tried linking?

… ooo wait wait… I found this:


Yeah, tried all of that. Guess I’ll have to wait on Blizz to maybe eventually fix it. I also noticed a very weird druid glitch after the trading post patch? In astral form she is just completely white or grey. As if the character was snipped out of the character screen lol. I’m assuming these have to do with some spaghetti code. :sweat_smile:

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I have this issue still. It’s only on my main. My other characters running the same addons don’t have the issue and i can remove all addons from my main and it still happens. I’m a mount collector, this is super irritating. I can share the dropped item that gives me the mount but i’m unable to actually share the mount once i’ve collected it. This is any of my almost 700 mounts. I either get half a mount name, such as: [Invincib or i get a paragraph of random text with Mount: in it near the beginning. This is super annoying.

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Right click on the chat frame name (i.e. “General”) and select “Make Interactive” to enable links . If that doesn’t resolve it, you can try typing /resetchat.

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Nope, tried all of that. Other things link fine except for the mount journal. Even linking pets still works.


Oh someone linked that.

You ever find a fix for this ? I also started having this problem back in Nov 2023 but only on some of my toons. Did all the options / tips and even the GM responding to my tickets seem to be stumped. Last option is a full reinstall but i can guess it wont work either.

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I’m having the same issue. I can link items, spells, pets, transmog, heirlooms, quests and toys, but not mounts from the mount collection interface.

I tried reloading the chat, reloading the game, toggling “Interactive Chat” on and off several times, changing zones, etc. Nothing worked so far.

I am playing a Draenei Warlock. I will try changing characters to see if it works.

EDIT: My Undead Death Knight can link mounts in chat.


I just started having this problem as well on my main (Khaldun). I can link anything else but when I try to link a mount the link shows up in my chat box as something like:


I’ve disabled all my addons, reset the chat, made chat non-interactive then interactive again, restarted the game, and nothing has fixed it. Hopefully Blizzard will figure this out.


Having the same issue but only on my druid. Tried disabling all addons and also a clean reinstall but the issue is still there

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works fine for me

That’s exactly what is happening to me! Have you found any fixes since you posted this forum post?

No, sorry!

Been having the same Issue for about a year now, Haven’t been able to find any answers to it anywhere. Blizz treating this like a non issue?

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have the same problem i cant link mounts. also i have the spanish client so its not a localization problem