Not able to link mounts in chat?

Still not working for me :frowning:

Bumping this for visibility, I have this issue on a Demon Hunter on my EU account. If I send a message with a linked mount in there, only the text before the link sends. If I start the message with a linked mount it doesn’t send at all. If I try sending a mount in /s chat, regardless of position, it pops up as “Charactername says something unintelligible”.

This issue persists after disabling addons, reloading, relogging and re-installing. The “Make interactive/noninteractive” fix did nothing. I also tried to see if the language you talk in in-game was the cause, but changing that did nothing either.

You can add me to the list… My ‘main’ character is the only character who cannot link mounts yet every other character can.

I have done the above as everyone else - interactive/non-interactive chat, disabled/enabled every addon (even one by one), deleted WTF/Cache folders, /resetchat, nothing has worked.

I can link pets, spells, everything else, but cannot link mounts.

super annoying and frustrating.


At this point im pretty sure they dont care this isn’t the only bug ive been afflicted with , i have a niffen dig bug that locks me out from progressing so cant ever do that again , and the constant error on log in ‘you have lost title Renowned Explorer and Fearless Spectator’

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Yeah I keep losing that title too as soon as I enter any city or sometimes just upon logging in. :frowning:


I have discovered a fix for the bug preventing linking mounts in chat. It’s a very simple fix.

Type the following console commands one at a time starting with the first:

/console synchronizeConfig 0
/console synchronizeSettings 0

This completely fixed my mount linking issue and doesn’t seem to have had any other unintended effects at all. My wonderful friend suggested this and now I can finally link mounts after over 6 months of enduring this issue.

Would be nice if Blizz could please suggest that people do this.

sadly did not work for me.

Yeah. I fully reset my everything again and nothing.

Anyone try a full uninstall / reinstall see if that fixes anything ? , I have a feeling it wont so I haven’t tried it yet plus I’m lazy and don’t want to waste a day doing that.

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Nothing, that’s been tried. Also I think multiple people tried full repair.

I tried doing all the steps above as well including a full reinstall, but still having the issue and only on my main character.

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I’ve had this problem for a few months now.

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Yeah it’s weird how random it is. Normally it’s easy to see what’s causing the issue

This is another great feature in World of Bugcraft!

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Yeah same problem here. can’t link mounts in chat. Tried fixes listed.

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My bf has been having this issue for about a year now and as of yesterday I am now having this issue as well. I literally JUST hit 500 mounts last night and now I can’t link them lol FML

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Yeah, I’ve had to resort to screenshots on discord to my friends. :frowning:

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Same issue :frowning:

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Yes please fix this!


If you haven’t, report the bug as well! I made a post on here as well just to hopefully pick up some traction and possibly a way to fix it if anyone had it resolved!