Can not link Mounts into chat

I have been advised to make a bug report on this matter.
Ticket reference number US101059430

adding some info for others
i am unable to link mounts to chat, only on my main character drakcow-thrall
other characters work fine no issues
relevant forum posts
-Not able to link mounts in chat?


2 more links i will be adding later becuase im limited to only adding 2 links to my post

Upon Shift+Clicking a mount into chat, example the “Delver’s Dirigible” put into chat


When pressing enter in /say my character says something unintelligible, /guild i get an error saying “Couldn’t send messege” in some other chats such as /instance nothing happens

In summary
a Full UI reset has been tested with (no fix),
addons disabled (no fix),
this is only current affecting my main character, my alts which i dont actively play are fine
this is only affecting the mounts, i can link everything else just fine