It’s funny because healers have basically taken over the role that tanks once had in PvP.
And, they’re healers so they heal the other DPS as well, again they’re gods.
It’s funny because healers have basically taken over the role that tanks once had in PvP.
And, they’re healers so they heal the other DPS as well, again they’re gods.
Thats all thats needed at that level
you’d be surprised! there’s a couple bosses in LFR history … the eye boss in MOP, n’zoth, g’huun, raz… wiping with 10 stack of determination was a thing.
granted, I have no effin idea what the nerub ar bosses do on LFR because i havent ran it… but don’t underestimate how terrible the targetted audience of LFR can be.
Nothing’s really that odd in this LFR.
Main things are it’s expected that Reckless charge will hit a wall on court, so it’s tuned accordingly, and Broodtwister puts egg break circles on about half the raid, under the idea that at least 1 or 2 people will know what to do with it.
We don’t have anything like Desolate host (where the desolate host is missing on LFR), or Anduin (where the entire downphase just doesn’t exist).
OP must be talking about an alt… I don’t play a prot warrior, but I am pretty sure his trinkets are BiS as they are.
Worth noting, most tank trinkets are GARBAGE and have been so since WoD. There are few exceptions, and when they are exceptions, they usually get nerfed into oblivion because dps players will roll on them due to: Not being dead == more dps.
You’re thinking of Durumu, and yup, I was there for many of his wipes. And good lord did I always laugh at how 2/3rds of an LFR group would, inevitably, get spiked by the disappearing floor on Elegon.
boredom? tanking raid is absolutely mind-numbing. no need to act like it’s demanding.
Of course it’s demanding. Have you seen all the demands he’s making as the tank?
Meh, LFR loot system sucks butt.
Rolling for transmog, you might as well be pressing pass.
Personal loot was better.
Personal loot made it less likely for you to get that trinket than the current loot system. How is that better?
Either you got the item or you didn’t, no chance of others taking something from you.
I’d rather get nothing, then see a lost roll.
Because you can’t feel bad about something you cannot see.
Explain how rolling against offspec somehow results in me being more likely to get the trinket?
No chance of others taking the item from you now either.
Personal loot would assign 1/5 people to win an item, and then generate an item based on their loot spec. It would generate items for people that were literally downgrades, and it could do that again and again and again. Group Loot it is impossible to roll if you already have the same or better.
Group loot also solves the rings/necks/cloaks being given out more often issue, because those were on every loot spec, they would drop way more than other items.
Mainspec literally always beats offspec, no matter how many times you pretend otherwise.
I guess I just come from a time where people didn’t roll for gear on a role they weren’t actively playing.
Just not gonna support it, sorry.
It’s greedy.
What you play as, is what you are.
I never get queued as DPS while queuing as a tank, btw. NEVER happens.
Thus I can’t sympathize, I don’t even play multiple specs, I’ve got alts for that.
You don’t need to support it or give approval, genuinely nobody cares. As for it being greedy, no more than rolling on anything else.
You keep replying, trying to change my mind.
You don’t understand that folks’ minds are never changed on internet forums.
LFR loot system sucks, personal loot was better, and that’s my hill to die on.
Feel free to take more tank trinkets, just don’t ever get mad when the tanks disappear lol.
I’m just trying to help out tanks. DPS don’t need help.
Sorry, when I said nobody cares I meant nobody will not roll on an upgrade because you whined about people rolling on literal upgrades.
No, you’re trying to help out yourself, and pretending it’s altruism. Just say “I feel entitled to any items that drop for the whole group” and own it.
I’m pretty sure OP and all tanks would appreciate others not rolling on gear that’s meant for them and not someone playing an off-spec, but sure why not.
I PvP, I lose way more than any PvE’r ever could lol (PvE is purely about winning), it’s part of the game modes I play. Losing a roll doesn’t bother me as much as you think.
Just annoying.
I wouldn’t appreciate being unable to gear because I’m running ret to help out a raid, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to raid and be ineligible for actual upgrades.
Considering the amount of whining? I highly doubt that.
You really think ret is more helpful than being a tank or a healer in the raid? And deserving of tank/healer gear?
No, just no lol.
Contributing to less tanks and you don’t even realize it.
Considering nobody wants to run 3 tanks, and I was asked to spec dps? Yes actually, that is more helpful than trying to third-wheel and doing nothing to help the raid.