Non tanks rolling tank trinkets

thats disappointing, blood DK’s were the only thing I really enjoyed pvping on

They probably couldn’t figure out how to balance tanks in PvP either, in addition to complaints about them being unkillable.

Even if you set your loot specialization for different spec?

Entitlement because you think that you are entitled to loot you didn’t win just for tanking, yes.

Also: By “more enticing” do you mean that no tanks would run the raid on DPS because it would make them ineligible for all loot except armor? Because that’s technically more enticing relative to the other roles, by making me literally never play those roles in a raid environment no matter how much they are the needed role.

Doesn’t sound like it’s fun for you if you throw a fit any time you lose a roll.

That’s your assumption about me, I already stated I don’t mind if I lose it against another tank.

Also, in a PuG environment, you can’t prove that person is actually going to use the item for the offspec.

At least the tank is there so you know they’re a tank.

If you don’t PuG tank, then you have a different perspective on this. You just haven’t experienced it.

Did everyone forget that a dps trinket being used by a tank is only 50% effective? n’ vice versa?

It would be douchey of you to roll if anyone else rolls for that same item

It would be douchey for you to roll at all if theres anyone lower ilvl than you

It would be douchey of you to roll theres even a single other person playing the same role as you

I can keep adding stipulations that push a narrative too. As a BrM you can dual wield or use a 2 hander. But weapons are a primary loot option for DPS. So does this mean as a tank you dont roll on weapons until every other DPS is outfitted with weapons first because it would be douchey otherwise yaknow.

Absolutely not. I play multiple specs. I participated in the kill. I have just as much right to that loot as you do.

If i want to lose out on a chance to win a DPS item by taking a chance to win a tank item for the spec im trying to gear, thats my perogative. And the game allows me to do so.

We’re no longer tied to singular specs. We play classes now. And the game has evolved to reflect that. Theyve added a lot of QoL to enhance that and speed up that fact.

Loot specialization has been in the game

Losing is losing. Whats it matter who its to?

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Hard to assume otherwise, since you’re just complaining that people are beating you rolling on items. As for “proving” things, nobody has to “prove” anything to you. You lost the roll, that’s all she wrote.

Yes, just like people who roll ‘need’ on items just for transmog, over someone that can actually use it.

Just because you can be a douchebag doesn’t mean you should at every chance you get.

You seem convinced that it’s morally wrong to roll for something in certain cases where you are eligible, but not in other cases where you are eligible. Let’s straighten this out very clearly:

Unless you are paying someone for a loot funnel, you are not entitled to receive any loot. Period. You win what you win, and only what you win. You not winning doesn’t make someone else wrong or deserving of being referred to with insults.

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Yeah, no wonder people buy boosts and RMT to guarantee to get what they want.

I would too if I lost a tank trinket for like the 100th time to some DPS, just pay for a carry and buy it.

Don’t forget carries through heroic/mythic with guaranteed gear. Wonder how many of the sneering forum dwellers are actually carries and not people who legitimately run the content.

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I’m starting to think no one gears up legitimately anymore, and it’s all bought through carries.

It’s already bad enough when people roll on gear just to sell it to others in the raid.

But they won the item, right? They’re fully in their rights to do that! /s

Objectively the best system we ever had, was personal loot + tokens for rerolling loot to better target what you want. Unfortunately, they got rid of personal loot for raiding.

I can safely say I personally have never bought a carry through heroic/mythic content, theirs a reason all my mythic stuff is post-expac. I have no interest in running mythic content, i did heroic plenty up til mop and i’m thoroughly done with it.

They should just bring that back because LFR gearing is a nightmare.

Pretty much everyone rolls need, regardless.

I think more the latter.

Blizzard doesn’t balance tanks to be good in arenas, becasue (it would seem) most players hate fighting against tanks in arenas.

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They participated in the kill. They have equal rights and chances to that loot. They probably contributed more to the kill so they by principle alone should have a higher chance at getting the loot right? More contribution, higher % because without their over geared contribution, youre that much closer to failing and not getting to roll on need in any manner.

Right? Right? Youre setting things up for unfair loot rules. If you can use it and you participated, equal chance at loot. Most plain and simple way to go about it

How do i buy Sacbrood when Sacbrood isnt guaranteed to drop??

Emotions are starting to cloud judgement here. This is never a safe path to tread


You only pay for the item, when the item itself drops. You’re buying it.

No item, no sale.

In LFR, laying on the floor is ‘participating in the kill’ lol.

Arena is bad content, and has been bad content since they settled on 2 dps + 1 healer as what they developed it for. Or more accurately, 2 dps, and an almost immortal healer that is just as hard to kill as tanks ever were, but with the added annoyance that they can make other people immortal too. It boils down to who can successfully chain enough CCs together to lock down the healer long enough to kill someone.

I just wish they had stopped at locking tanks out of arena, instead of locking them out of arena, but ALSO applying an invisible aura that makes them as squishy as any dps. Makes flag running/capture point spinning way less viable for tanks.