Non tanks rolling tank trinkets

Its really cool that anyone in a raid can loot spec whatever, but can we buff the rolls for the people doing the actual role in the raid?

Losing Swarmlords Authority every time it drops to some Arms warrior, or Resto druid feels bad.

That is all thanks

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I agree

I’ve seen swarmlords drop ONE this entire tier and a jerk on his super undergeared alt took it


Gonna doubt that since you are complaining about loot spec.

No, fair rolls are good.


They might be gearing up so they can start tanking. You don’t know. Besides, they helped kill the boss, same as you. They’re just as entitled to loot.


How about we buff the loot chances for people who actually need the gear upgrades, and not just rolling for offspec/transmog. I’ve stopped bothering with the raid because i’m no longer coinflipping against the computer (And at least I got gold If I lost the flip) i’m now rolling against 19 other clowns who all are going to roll need if at all possible even if they’re in full mythic raid gear just so they can DE.


Such is the nature of PuGs.

You want a system that distributes loot in a way that isn’t pure RNG, you join a guild


That’s exactly how PL worked though, they just didn’t need to click a button first.


Lul my last guild was the one where super undergeared alt took the tank trinket from me

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PL worked by rolling against the computer, everyone rolled against the computer. It was a coinflip, you either got something or you didn’t, I didn’t directly compete with the other 19 in the raid.

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You join a guild with a loot council that isn’t butts I guess.


I don’t agree. That would be like me getting a healer trinket or a tank trinket as DPS but because I have my loot specialization swapped to those rolls shouldn’t suddenly make it okay.

Jokes on you, I might have

Bring back master loot and dkp.

Group loot buffs your odds if you need that item as an upgrade, because unlike with personal loot, someone who has the same or better is ineligible to roll for that item. As for offspec, that’s also a thing, an offspec roll will never beat a mainspec roll.

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How so? You were eligible to roll on the item, what makes you less deserving than Johnny Awesome AFK in the corner or the healer parsing 95%?

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Start a guild and make the loot rules. Pretty simple.

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It will if you switch your loot spec. Can beat a mains spec roll every time. With luck on your side obviously.

You’re describing main spec vs main spec rolls.


No reason to not join a trustworthy guild with LC in 2024 (2025 soon) you might as well be going to a casino trying to win rolls in a pug raid or even just a guild raid with no LC.

Working as intended.

If it’s a PuG roll for anything and everything - you don’t owe anything to strangers.

In guild work to the benefit of the group.

Today I made a PuG for NP normal on my baby hunter. Had two friends come on mail class to feed loot! Always work the system to your advantage.

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