You don’t run anything without being promised the item if it drops? Is this Classic?
DPS can roll if that’s their loot spec. If it isn’t, they can’t roll. If it is, they are giving up rolling on an item for dps spec.
You don’t run anything without being promised the item if it drops? Is this Classic?
DPS can roll if that’s their loot spec. If it isn’t, they can’t roll. If it is, they are giving up rolling on an item for dps spec.
If all DPS rolled on offspec items, no tank/healer would run these at all.
You might as well have extra tanks in the group that are doing DPS.
At least if a tank/healer item dropped then, you could be assured it actually went to those roles.
I’m sorry that you’re not able to pick up the loot that you want. I’ve been there. Hope it drops for you soon, man.
Yes that’s why people run dps when the group has 2 tanks already.
To have a chance at loot against anyone eligible? Not really any different than rolling on a non-role specific item.
And let’s be real, tanks have been rolling on DPS stuff that’s good for us too forever.
Just gives me a reason to avoid LFR on my tank and just go normals instead lol.
Offspec rolling is gross, just play the role you’re trying to gear up.
I don’t appreciate being ‘used’ so someone else can take my trinkets or whatever.
Please elaborate
It happens all the time in pug normals, especially this late in the season when raids are alt fill.
You cant reserve stuff anymore outside of a honour systen loot council shenanigans and no pug is actually gonna care about that; the worst you can do is kick them after theyve already rolled the item and then theyll just que for another of the dozen pugs waiting at x boss.
The options really are find a functional guild or just except that how raids are.
If there’s several ‘tanks’ in the raid, I don’t want to be there to compete with loot.
It’s that simple.
Leave the raid if it queues you for DPS, idk, you can always get into another since tank queues are shortest.
Being a tank already sucks because of what you have to deal with, I’m not going to drag myself through all that just to have my items taken by players currently playing DPS.
The only role I don’t care about rolling against tons of others against is DPS, because you’re a dime-a-dozen and that’s just how the role works.
There will always be lots of DPS, only like two tanks.
YES. you saw the light.
LFR isn’t for gear. LFR is some sort of botched story mode that’s kept around because 14 years ago during cataclysm someone tough it was a good idea.
you want gear? join a guild. pug normal, pug heroic… LFR is utter trash.
how else am i supposed to sell it back to you? I need on everything blizzard lets me need on and then offer to sell it or it gets DE’D.
Being used is when you lose a fair roll?
Also, people are able to roll on items you want on normal&heroic too. Mythic, depends on the environment tbqh, if you’re pugging first 4 I’d fully expect people to roll on any upgrade.
I don’t see it as fair. Tanking isn’t as fun as DPS.
There’s a reason you don’t see too many.
If I’m the tank, I should get priority. I’m playing babysitter.
Not gonna run a mode where non-tanks can obtain tank gear from active tanks.
You don’t see a fair die roll as fair? That’s a you issue honestly.
Also, nobody gets loot “from you”. Certainly no more than in M+, or heroic dungeons, when someone wins a shield/tank trinket off a boss.
It’s not fair when you’re playing the public servant role that’s inherently less fun, and people expect you to do it for free.
Don’t play as a tank if you don’t want to tank and expect freebies for doing so. Or go play classic, I know people were talking about paying tanks for non-carry dungeons during TBCC.
I enjoy tanking, I don’t appreciate people taking tank stuff when they’re not tanking, it’s really that simple lol.
All I need to do is avoid LFR, solved.
Not letting your tank have the tank item is selfish.
They are tanking right now, they need it.
This is why people join LC guilds. Nobody is ever going to think of you in a pug, ever. That said in raid, tank role is often more contested than in M+ since it’s 2 out of like 20.
Which you call
Too bad. You complain about people not treating tanks well, then complain about tanks being able to gear their tank spec. Absurdity.
Every normal&heroic pug I’ve run has been the same. Some guilds will funnel to their more dedicated raiders on heroic (never saw it on normal tbh) but that’s gonna fluctuate.
No more than rolling need is inherently selfish on any item where anyone else wants it.
Clearly not if they downed the boss. Beyond that, nobody is obligated to funnel you items to boost your ilvl/player power.
Lol alright, go ahead then.
You have no right to complain about lack of tanks then, ever.
No DPS does.