Er… that can’t happen. Just FYI. The loot is already there on the boss, the game can’t spontaneously generate more.
This isn’t an issue if you get the norm/heroic version.
Raiding is always better non queued. Random DPS trying ninja tank/healer stuff? Ez kick.
If you’re in an offspec and hit need it automatically greeds for you I thought? I did this with an agility mace while playing Ele and it rolls you greed for offspec automatically
Your options for rolling are based on your selected loot spec.
It rolls “need (off-spec)”. If no one else needs for main-spec, your roll becomes a need roll. If someone does roll for main-spec, it’s effectively a greed roll.
Why though? Cloth can’t roll on a shield or a tank trinket no matter what their loot spec is?
However at the moment a tank could choose a DPS loot spec and roll on jewelry, weapons, or trinkets that could benefit a DPS spec’d class. So I think it’s at least fair for DPS classes with a tanking option to be able to do the equivalent. It’s pretty even currently.
Because it’s dumb for some off-spec player to take something from the tank, that’s actively tanking.
And people wonder why there’s a tank shortage, maybe if DPS weren’t rolling on their trinkets there’d be more.
I don’t think off-spec rolling should be a thing in LFR aside from rolling greed.
If you’re rolling for a spec you aren’t actively playing, do you really need it? Moreso than the tank?
I don’t disagree with this. Personally I try to practice my best loot ethics but pugs make it hard some of the time. Everyone is going to hit need if it is an option on the board for them even if it is just to sell the item back which means they perpetually “need” everything.
It depends on the quality of character I’ve seen around me but there are plenty of cases when that quality hits a mark that I consider it fine to just hit need on everything.
If people whisper me asking for something I will usually hand it over unless it is a legit upgrade or at least side grade that I am going to test using.
This is how many guilds operate. They will tell you that you have a fair chance at loot, when they are actually going to give the loot to the best geared players because they are more “productive”. Because they have better gear. When the original forum war over removal of PL from raiding was going on, there were several posters who argued that they ALWAYS gave the loot to the best geared players. They needed to be able to do this, and it was up to the players who never got loot because of this policy to put up with it. Until they were dropped because they were ungeared and replaced by new members poached from other guilds, of course.
On the other hand, the fact that non-tanks are even able to roll on tank trinkets after DPS trinkets have been nerfed for tanks suggests that this is intended to be a soft nerf to tanks.
Wanted to address this point but in some cases you might find that the DPS rolling need on that item would be tanking that raid if there wasn’t already two in the raid they were invited to.
I’ve got characters that I simply queue/app to everything as both tank and dps and whatever takes me first is what I will play the necessary role for.
why do you guys always think a person’s main spec is the spec they’re currently playing?
if i get asked to heal on my priest because we’re short a healer and it’s either i heal or we don’t raid that night (actual example) I’m not magically a healer main when the boss dies.
i don’t think “the only way to gear a tank is to tank in your dps gear” is actually a great suggestion that would result in more people starting to tank.
The worst geared person got it though, not best geared
#1 rule for new tanks: run it as a DPS first to see whats going on. Then try it as a tank
Whats wrong with collecting the proper tank gear to increase my chances of survival as a new tank before trying to tank.
Its kind of a catch 22. How does my Fury Warrior transition to Prot Warrior to help with the tanking shortage when i need a shield, but im not allowed to loot a shield unless i am actively tanking, but i cant actively tank without first having the shield?
Must have 10 years prior experience to get this job. But cant get the job to get the experience to get the job!
Usually more beneficial for the group as a whole to give the 600 ilvl player the 623 gear instead of the 621 player due to whos getting the most throughput increase
Do you think you’ll be fine without those mythic geared people carrying you, then?
Uhh, no. We don’t need rolls to be made intentionally unfair for the benefit of the two tanks in the guild that get to run the encounter on their preferred spec.
Not possible to ninja loot.
If the item is for a spec on your class, but not your current loot spec, it rolls as offspec for the item. This is above greed and transmog and will always beat them, but it is below need for the proper loot spec and will always lose to that.
Nobody is taking anything from the tank. The item doesn’t belong to anyone until they win it.
If I couldn’t gear my tank because my guild already has 2 tanks, you think I’d be more encouraged to tank? That’s insanity. The “tank shortage” is relevant for dungeons way more than raids, because raids are generally 1 tank per 9 non-tanks (up to 1 tank per 14 if you go for 30 man) whereas healers are generally still 1 per 5.
He wasn’t even a tank
And he was like 580 cuz he just wanted to be carried on his like 10th alt
Which is not what I was referring to. Did they roll for it or was it given out by a loot council?
I would agree, but not every guild has distributed gear in that way. An argument I often heard in opposition to gear trading was that the loot should automatically go to the best-geared player, even if they did not need it, because the fact that they had the best gear already was proof that they deserved it, and the fact that an undergeared player needed the loot as an upgrade was proof that they had not put in the work needed to gear up on their own.
Such guilds probably have (or had) a core of well-geared members and a lower caste of players who trial or join for a while and then move on when they realize they are wasting their time playing with a guild that will never give them loot.
They are the sort of guild that historically was accused of cronyism, gearing up their best buddies. In fact, one of the GMs was outed in one of those threads for taking advantage of trials they had no intention of accepting no matter how well they performed.
Quit being so salty and stop trying to change rules when it only benefits you.
So, what’s the point of the tank being there if the gear isn’t ‘for them’?
DPS always outnumber tanks, if they can roll, the tank is screwed.
If I’m running LFR on repeat and my stuff gets continually stolen, I’m not running LFR anymore. I’m gonna go run a normal or something and reserve it.
That’s -1 tank for LFR.