Non tanks rolling tank trinkets

That would require you to have a valid point. As you dont there is nothing to argue.

no. i play multiple roles and iā€™m not going to be punished for filling a role my group needs that happens not to be the one i want to gear.


What the hell?

Back in my day, you couldnā€™t roll on something if it wasnā€™t meant for your spec.

Tank trinkets should be limited to tanks only.

Letting others roll on them is a design failure.

You should be able to roll on cloth gear on your tank if this is a thing, because itā€™s the same treatment. Get those mogs on an alt!

Curious how that works. Everybody guaranteed a weekly one? I guess anything else wouldnt really work,-PTR%20Posted%2011&text=Weā€™ve%20datamined%20a%20raid,the%20exact%20item%20you%20want!

You get 1 at Renown 17 and one at renown 19

On paper yes. Too much toxicity in practice

How DARE they roll on YOUR loot?!?!


Statistically, itā€™s the worst. Functionally, it still beats out master loot but thatā€™s not impressive.

Not possible. If itā€™s not their loot spec, they cannot beat someone whoā€™s loot spec is eligible.

You can only roll on it if it is meant for any spec of your class. Any roll by someone with the proper loot spec will beat an off-spec roll 100% of the time however, off-spec will beat a transmog roll or a greed roll.

You can roll transmog for it, because cloth armor is not intended for any spec of the OPā€™s class (whatever it might be, there are no cloth tanks).


You can be on any tank class and change the spec, since this thread is specific to trinkets, and roll. If youre not in the spec, like say I as a MM hunter rolled on a spear, my roll wouldnt even be done unless any who have their loot spec to that spear all passed. But if I was on my ret pally and a shield dropped, if my loot spec was Prot then I would get to roll.

At any time, but especially late in the season, its mostly alts. So youre going to see people rolling for their alt specs. Not saying it is right or wrong. But its people gearing up for S2 or transmog.

If you want specific loot rules, make your own raid.


Join a guild, or make a raid letting everyone know it is 100% your loot first no matter what and see how far you goā€¦


the only reason PL is better than GL is that Iā€™m super tired of seeing 2 agi daggers drop from a boss when we have no agi dagger classes.

otherwise it works exactly the same, and PL was equally worthless for gearing. raiding is for vault slots now.

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my guild has been deing this trinket for awhile now. weve had good rng with it though. even one our priests has it just because lol

a pal shared a screenshot last night of FIVE of them dropping from a single kill. of course one guy won 4 of them :slight_smile:

Doesnt actually work that way. While it may show him winning all 4 rolls, the game wont give you 2x the same piece. They fall to the runner ups


:angry: :rage: :anger: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :dizzy_face: :skull:

well, yeah. but the rolls were funny to see!


Yeah fair enough


Whereas PL had the reverse problem.

We saw the agility polearm drop off The Nine in Sanctum exactly ONCE the entire tier, because only a couple people in the raid could use it.

And of course the PL drops were cluttered with useless cloaks and rings to a ridiculous level, since they were the items on everyoneā€™s loot tables.

PL eventually led to people stacking raids to dictate which items were likely to drop. Hunters for Sylvanas bow, Priests for Anduin, etc. Itā€™s why PL was removed from raids, starting in DF.


Iā€™d be up for boosting rolls by 5% if correct spec and upgrade, not to exceed 100. This could result in more ties though. When there is a tie, they should award item to both. But donā€™t want to go back to personal loot.