Non tanks rolling tank trinkets

It is buffed. Your roll takes precedence over off-spec rolls.

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Some things to keep in mind:

1)Outside of trinkets, nothing is really spec specific
2) if one is rolling the entire raid as x loot spec, they are likely gearing up that spec
3) if one changes loot spec based on the boss, they either did research and found out what each boss drops OR have a friend that is gearing up (or might be doing the roll in raid) and is looking to help them out.

OP lost a tank trinket to arms warrior/resto druid, does he know if either is gearing up a tank spec? does he know if maybe his co-tank is after the same trinket and enlisted the help of the arms or rest to better his chances?


Golly mister, it sounds like what you really want is some of that Personal Loot.

Or maybe to raid with a guild.

Nah. Pray harder to RNGesus.

The same amount of loot being rolled against by a computer deciding who wins. Yes you did.

With PL everyone decided to hit need as soon as they zoned in.

But, those semantics aside. If your actual concern is getting loot, you’re still worse off with PL.


personal loot is best loot


I’d love to just see more strong tank trinkets that suck for other specs but that are great for tanking.

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Look at you, getting all possessive over pixels.

Is this what you’re going to talk about on your death bed?


How do you know thats their main spec?

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Its tech the worst loot system thats ever been in the game though

Blizzard agrees. They wanted to making gearing up for other specs/roles easier so they made this change.

Perk: target the spec loot table of your choice
Drawback: lose out on your current specs loot table

Amen. The number of people that don’t understand this is crazy. It was the same as everyone doing a /roll on the eligible loot that was dropped by the bosses.
Same as everyone hitting need now. But because it was behind the scenes with PL, people somehow think PL was better. At least now we can actively pass on loot we don’t need. I do miss those bonus rolls sometimes though :wink:


Off spec roll beat main spec :laughing: it is also funny how geared players almost always win rolls on gear that is in no shape an upgrade.

I love when people are confident and wrong at the same time.

How do you know its not an upgrade?

The last time i was in a guild that was raiding, i was the last player to get anything since i was new player in a guild . I didn’t get jack :poop: . This was back during WoLK.

I have never join a serious raiding guild again. I probably won’t in future either.
There is no win win solutions for as getting gear. Personal Loot? No body wants talk about that or to agree on personal loot either.

Don’t be mad you found yourself in my comment :laughing: i know because they pass it out to their friends.

Why would I be mad? You have no idea what you are talking about.

WHat does that have to do with an item being an upgrade or not?

Want to argue? Look somewhere else.

Cant buff RNG. Otherwise it isnt RNG and call into question every drop that ever occurred. If youre eligible, you can roll for it and if you have the spec, then you are eligible.

With Dinar’s coming back next season I hope it resolves the ultra rare loot being an issue.