"Non skill elements will always affect your performance"

Um necrolord rogues are going to be optimal at everything

Does it not apply to them?

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Because it is quite clear by the Lead dev’s comments that you arent meant to be optimal at everything, period.

Aside from necrolord rogues

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He Ralph it’s been about 20 minutes , isn’t it time for you to make another spam thread on the same exact topic for people to flag as spam or trolling?


The lead dev says a lot of things. Remember when he wanted upgrades to be upgrades? Then BfA came out and it became even more complicated than ever before to figure out which item was better.


Waits for necrolord rogue covenant to be nerfed after launch so all tryhards who jumped on the meta train come to the forums and make ragequit posts about how now they have to regrind renown levels on another covenant

I even made a thread because I know this will happen xD

What about all the players that picked it because it looked good

Why do they have to be a casualty?


So what you’re saying is you know the current covenant system is horrible and you’re only supporting it so you can enjoy the problems it brings to other people.


Sounds like it


What is even your point, if they picked it cuz it looked good it will remain good looking even after balance patches.

Or how they thought they went to far with focusing on specs and decided to give all the specs in a class shareable abilities but introduce a new system that will basically spec lock people


My point is you just sound like a bad person and i feel sorry for you

I can’t imagine waking up and being so hateful

How lonely are you to think this is normal behaviour?


THat’s it exactly and he has even admitted to it .

His idea of fun is seeing others not have fun .


Lead dev tells players that their way of playing is wrong and no longer will be permitted unless they level 4 of each

A person supports that system because they like RPGs
you: "Omg so hateful, this is wrong, I feel bad for you

People who dont care about RPG elements and systems shouldnt be playing WoW, it is clear that is the case when epeen contests becomes their only interest.

Don’t try and hide this and make it about the game, I’ve read enough of your stuff over the past few days

It sounds like you just want people to as sad and angry as you are so you fit in better

Why else would you make this many threads about the same thing


He also said LFG and LFR erodes community. Given community is an integral aspect of MMORPG’s, you should agree with me that they should remove LFG and LFR.


You keep pointing at the lead dev as if that says anything about your support for this.

The sole and only reason you support the current iteration of the covenant system is because you hate other people and want to watch them suffer.

You are not the final arbiter of what is or is not an RPG. Having wildly unbalanced choices is not some super-important RPG element that, if it were missing, would turn WoW into an entirely different genre.

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M8 if people are sad and angry they dont get to be optimal at everything they shouldnt be playing the game.

That is their fault for playing games NOT DESIGNED FOR THEM.

Bro lol, it is a part of who they are. Hypercompetitive people are going to play like that everywhere. Game of Uno? Tic-Tac-Toe? World championship Street Fighter tournament? Anything, 100% competitive.

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Wrong. It is Blizzard’s fault for designing something that is inherently not fun to deal with.