Non-existent drop rate for evoker legendary

yes i do. i do not think what is being shown in game is accurate at all

They literally told us that it’s how it works.

Then you need to broaden your scope of how many players there are across two entire continents.

they did not show us the code. And you have to believe Blizzard coded correctly.

Week 1 of them telling us this, there were reports of people getting it on lower difficulties after doing it on a higher one.

And pretty much no reports week 2.

no, i don’t think i do.

Yeah, you really do. And you need to understand that the BLP is only for Heroic and Mythic. Maybe read the article that I linked for you.

Also for your information:


you’re funny. i read the article and don’t believe it. I still think what i am seeing is something inaccurate

Alright then.

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Last tier look at the damage between someone with the Rasz Bow and someone who didn’t have the Bow, it was night and day. Then look at what happened when they nerfed the Bow they had to give a huge buff just to compensate for the loss.

I’d recomment that you quit the game, if you can’t handle anything RNG related, We´re at the mercy of Devs. They can say X while the spagheti code is doing Y and We don’t have good ways to prove it.

Sometimes its obvious that there’s a massive issue like the love rocket drop rate for years, howerver; We don’t see a massive amount of post about this weapon anymore, We actually see a lot of data proving that recently fixes worked and unfortunately you’re doing somethings wrong by farming it in different difficulties when you only need to do heroic and probably you only have bad luck

I’ve talked to many people in game, and none have seen the drop. I have not seen, or heard anything from anyone to confirm what the posts say. I do not think the blp is real, and that’s my opinion.

The fact is the moment the next patch comes out and it gets a nerf the drop rates going to sky rocket, no diff with the Raz bow.

Blizzard will always tell you it’s A when in reality it’s -5…

That’s the problem, its just your data, you don’t have a good sample or source, its just a personal opinion, as I mentioned before any RNG drop could be 99.999% drop rate that someone could be always hitting the 0.01% that doesn’t provide the item, its the same the other way around that’s why some cosmetics takes years and years…almost impossible to obtain.

Player power should be more deterministic with systems like Dinnar from Shadowlands season 4.

Example of bad RNG:

Neryssa from wowhead has been farming 1 trinket from Echo of Neltharion since June 26…still nothing, including vault, LFR and some other difficulties.

RNG being RNG.

if it were an RNG issue, that would make sense

I have 20 Neth Kills and I have yet to see it drop, then drop in the Vaults and I feel her pain. Not to mention we have 5 classes on the token and Ive never even had a chance to roll on it.

An I don’t believe this game has true “Rng” anyways. There have been far to many weeks where the Vault items were all the same or similar slot only to be what dropped in my key or in the raid.

what guild didn’t see a tier token for so long?

Uh, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize and distrust Acti-Blizz, but… this? What possible incentive would they have to lie about something so petty as adding a bad luck protection mechanic that only affects one class? If they said they added it, they added it. Burden of proof is on you to prove otherwise.

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message is for whole regen -US, OCE, SA , not just your realm cluster

it is suposed to be rare - you may never get it . Thats how it works --you are not entitled to it

correct --doing it on multiple dificulties is a waste of time

more -you forgot OCE --so Australia New Zealand , SE Asia

There should be no bad luck protection , its one the two things I most hate in the game , the other being account wide stuff. Want something on a particular character , earn it on that character.

Just likely something they’ll say until they get it.

Guild does prog, 1/4 have got it.

I just wish I could turn the message off. I’m on Area 52, it’s CONSTANT spam.