
Point is classic+ has a very wide definition and would ostracize a lot of people based on the decisions they make. It’s also a lot more expensive then just doing tbc

In classic.

They said they were shooting for 1.12. You don’t agree then make noise. You just accept it and move on.

So has the rest of every part of WoW. Nobody can agree exactly what makes a great game, but the people who actually wanted classic can understand the slippery slope that is “let’s try to make everyone happy.” When you finally quit because you hate this version of AV, the rest of classic can continue with one less whiner.

You used “we have made a change before” to justify your demand for more changes. “Huh?” is right. Doesn’t make sense to me either.

There have been changes since day one, #NoChanges was literally never a thing.

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That does not mean their should be more changes. Blizzard stated the goal of classic is authentic. But keep hanging your hat on server sizes and layering

I dont think there have really been changes to the core game.

If you look at the history of Blizzard decision making, this has been the pattern since Cata.

Nice goal post shift

i would argue since late Wrath

What goal post shift exactly?

Something to consider on this one.

Paid realm transfers were way later, but free realm transfers were available early on, much as they were in WOW Classic - attempting to ease quickly overcrowded realms by opening new realms and offering a move.

Also, coming into WOW Classic, players knew what realm transfers were, knew they might become an option. That makes for different sort of decision making, whether they’re offered 4 months in or 14 months in.

On which note, this is something to understand. Standing up and arguing for ‘no changes’ doesn’t stop Blizzard from making changes, for good or for ill. One change made is not an open door for other changes. Each change must be carefully deliberated on by Blizzard, and what ‘no changes’ means is that I hope Blizzard makes each and every one of those careful deliberations biased toward not making a change unless there’s no better option and leaving it unchanged clearly and directly brings harm to the game or the player-base.

From “No Changes” to “No changing the core game” lol

No changes is about desire, not what actually happens. But frankly, blizzard has stated the goal of classic is authenticity. It isn’t supposed to be a hybrid game. Yeah its running on the modern engine, but literally everything is vanilla.
We dont have transmog, flying, or dual spec. We dont have balance changes, etc
We have vanilla on a modern engine.
You want something that changes on player request? Retail exists. That was never the stated goal of classic wow

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not everyone was on bored with no changes to begin with is why, and its not like blizzard has stuck to no changes or ever said they would

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Um. Except that was the exact point of classic. To be vanilla. Just because you aren’t on board with that doesn’t mean anything at all. Straight out the gate classic was all about authenticity

Could you try to be less vague?

You were never getting a recompiled vanilla are client.
Not happening, the original game install from the CD wont even start correctly on my PC, has severe video issues.

I imagine on the server side, there would be similar issues
Not video related of course, but issues of the old host design not working terribly well or efficiently in a modern environment.

But that is about on par with, lets say importing half-life 1 into the half-life 2 engine, completely intact.
We have not actually changed the game.


Found another baby retail tourist who hasn’t been bothered to follow the development of Classic, had nothing to do with it getting here, knows nothing of it’s Dev stated mandate, and yet assumes it’s his to hijack in typical faux outraged millennial entitlement.

What a yawn.


Well first, i doubt there are many 90 year old people playing
So i am not sure what boomers have to do with anything?

Secondly, no one is getting to lead to anything.
They decided upon how they were doing this a lot time ago in another forum not quite so far away, and this was all known to us
for quite a while, how they were going to implement.

I doubt anything in these forums, aside from bug reports, has much effect on anything.

And again it has to be patiently re-explained, just because you don’t know what #nochanges is and haven’t done the minimum due diligence of educating yourself on Classic, what it always was, why it is here, it’s development to this point, the mandate that has always undergirded it, the technical and logistical compromises that had to be made to get it here, and the dev-stated philosophy behind it doesn’t mean anyone else is confused about what #nochanges means.

It’s only you guys.



Activision has already thrown #nochanges out the window with…

  • Layering
  • Server Transfers
  • Server Sizes
  • Nerfed content (1.12)
  • AV
  • EZ mode MC

And a bunch more other stuff


The KEY WORD that all of you folks don’t seem to understand is ACTIVSION/BLIZZARD.

NOT players.

The ‘NOCHANGES’ group fought against ALL of the changes you described. So why would we want changes made by other players when that will open the door for all manner of endless requests.

The Blizzard changes we had no choice in, THIS we do.


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