
  • Layering is gone (and was a necessary logistical compromise to a vastly increased player base).
  • Server transfers existed in Vanilla.
  • 1.12 content is Vanilla - just because you personally don’t like it has nothing to do with it (also it has everything to do with the data they had available, which you’d know if you had been following along and not just jumping on the bandwagon).
  • Ditto for this version of AV and MC.

This “everything has already been changed OMG!” narrative is cringy.

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Classic is riddled with dozens of changes that have made the state of the game unhealthy for so many people

Now we need changes to fix those changes

Ok, can you list 24 unique changes from WoW circa 1.12 patch?

To some extent sure. It will still be roflstomped by the likes of APES and Grizzly, unless they release “unkillable” C’thun, though.

You mean nochages to the train wreak that Blizz set up to fail at the beginning?

Sounds about right. See you on retail.

I though they were objecting to the whole museum concept.

You know. Crying out: “No, changes!”

Not my fault no-one puts commas into hashtags.

I see people say no changes in relation to how BGs are cross realm, or AV is only solo que when it was also group que in Vanilla, and that AV is the honor farm bg when WSG was the honor farm BG in vanilla.

Can we agree what no changes actually means first? Because a lot of people seem to be using nochanges wrong

But Blizzard already defined this themselves:


yea uh a 46 min video… let’s sum that in a sentence so people can agree to it ??

Change gnome diapers.


AV was never group queue, except for a very very short period by accident, and they fixed that with a quick patch.

Not everything is so superficial it can be summarized in 140 characters or an IG video.

It’s irrelevant what “people agree to”. This is what it is.

made up bs or cite. because it’s made up bs.

You first, since you want to make the silly false claim.
I’ll wait.

Oh screw it, here, i’ll cite

Queuing with friends
For Alterac Valley, there is no option to join as a preformed group. However, by clicking on the “join battle” button at the same time, you and your friends have a chance of entering the same battleground. When the pop-up appears notifying you of your ability to enter the battleground, you can confirm which Alterac Valley you received and compare with your friends. If not enough of your group got into the same battleground, you can always leave the queue and try again. Alternately, your group can manually queue for a particular Alterac Valley instance by selecting it from the available battleground list when queuing. However, queuing for specific battleground instances can result in significantly longer waiting times, since it won’t necessarily be the first available instance.

Now show me yours

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actually if you want to play this game, it was conceded that group que existed in vanilla wow but you made an attached claim that it was only a mistake.

The burden of proof is on you bub!

You need to go back to Retail. This is the official counterpart of private Vanilla servers

You’re on the wrong world. Classic’s target audience were those who played private vanilla servers like Nost and those poeple who prefer that way.

Those people did great effort in convincing Blizz, combining with minimal possible commitment from Blizz, Classic is here as a positive response to such high demand for Vanilla world - not TBC or WotK

If you don’t know who drove this movement to make it happen and Classic was the answer to what request, better not speak like 2019-2034 is gonna be repeating 2004-2019

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You. I like you.

I don’t know how many times what you are saying here has to be said, but I’m gonna keep on saying it as long as these tourists keep trying to hijack Classic.

The petulance and entitlement continues to be breathtaking.


Inccorect. Its somechangesalready and will need to head in a direction of changethebrokenaspectsofclassic before the manyneededchangescomeintosaveadeadclassic or tbc - with manychanges because they cant hide behind nochanges for tbc - its too late.

Fake news.