Report and move on, nothing to see here
Add on that no changes lost it’s meaning a long time ago - as soon as 1.12 was announced. This was already evident - pre beta Classic boards. But those of us who were in favor of the overall Vanilla experience were in the minority. It has since become the mantra for both private server and retail (people who never played Vanilla or only the tail end) players alike - which is ironic.
Blockquote Add on that no changes lost it’s meaning a long time ago - as soon as 1.12 was announced. This was already evident - pre beta Classic boards. But those of us who were in favor of the overall Vanilla experience were in the minority. It has since become the mantra for both private server and retail (people who never played Vanilla or only the tail end) players alike - which is ironic.
It’s is illustrated in threads like this that say no changes about the changes.
The game is in a state (and spirit) that is nothing like vanilla WoW.
At no time during vanilla did the game have these specific set of circumstance (let alone start with them) and it’s a dramatic change from the experience the game is modeled after.
So #nochanges is the way to go ? Is your opinion, nothing more. Move fascism to another forum.
My opinion ? #yeschanges, to make the vanilla content somewhat modern. The core content is what matters.
#nochanges is a cringey boomer meme that has lead to Acitivision doing practically zero things to make the game as good as it could be. You’re not 15 and that’s ok. Doesn’t mean you have to spout your cringey logically fallacies all over the place.
Server transfers existed in vanilla.
1.12 existed in vanilla.
Av/1.12 av existed in vanilla.
Ez mode mc existed in vanilla.
Lingering effects. Note I didn’t say it wasn’t necessary. But is IS a change.
Not till way later. Changes communities as they are forming.
A very late one that scaled down a ton of content. Not implemented at launch.
No. AV had many evolutions that were all done for specific purposes. We have skipped all of them and gone straight to the final version, which was heavily nerfed and only done so to speed up the paythroughs because nobody was playing it anymore. Not because it wasn’t good, but because it was long and was stale content. So they nerfed it for shorter matches. It made sense for the time. It does not make sense to launch with that version. It plays COMPLETELY different than the original that was far more synonymous with Classic’s hayday.
Fine, caught me.
Huh? I said we should fix the things that are broken from the changes we made. Nobody likes AV, faction balance continues to be the cause of most grievances… I’m saying we’re already past #nochanges. We made changes, and they broke a few things. We might want to try to fix them.
As good as it could be according to who?
We tried it the pro changers way for 10+ years. Look at retail. That is the result of the changes crowd approach.
You had your chance. Classic is for those who wanted vanilla.
And you’ll find many no changers who were against layering. Specifically because of those effects.
But during 1.12. Which classic is based upon.
Unfortunately the only patch they had. Many wish they had reverse engineered it.
And many people actively campaigned to have old av and blizzard said no.
Just because it’s not 100% the vanilla we want doesn’t mean it’s not vanilla.
Report as spam and move on folks, this is classic forums, and classic isn’t stuck in one patch. These guys need to go back to private servers, they are going to kill the game for us who started anywhere between burning crusade and wraith.
idk, i’d like some changes. classic+ would be nice if done correctly
You’re right. Just let this experiment die imo.
Cause that’s what’s going to happen.
Time to accept that Warcraft as an IP died with the Lich King.
Everyone loves flying sparkle ponies, even if they can’t admit it.
Whose idea of classic+ though? The classic+ crowd has like 18,000 different permutations.
Of all the above, only 2 are actually valid
Layers, which are not a change to the actual game itself
just the server infrastructure, and was temporary and is now gone.
So it kind of no longer factors in, it’s a dead horse.
And Server sizes, which yes are larger.
I imagine back in vanilla, if the hardware/software could have supported larger, they probably would have, not sure.
nerfed Content (1.12) is invalid
1.12 IS a legit version of WoW pre BC
It is also the only complete data set they have so choices are 1.12 or nada.
But again 1.12 is not a change, it simply just is.
Same with MC, this is what MC was in 1.12
Same with AV, this IS the AV from 1.12
Classic was never advertized as WoW 1.01, it was always known that it was going to be made from the 1.12 data set/assets.
The only real “Changes” that i can see is using a modified legion client and backend, but running classic on legacy stuff would be atrocious, i dont imagine the client would fair well in a modern windows/OSX environment, i can only imagine the backend stuff.
Small little graphics goodies we never had, thanks to the legion client.
No one has gone and invented new spells, no one has gone and made Ashbringer a player wielded weapon or other things that simply never existed.
That is not to suggest that everything is flawless (was vanilla ever flawless?) There are obviously issues that pop up from having the modern software attempt to run the old game, those they fix as they can.
Fine, i admit it.
But only when you are riding it, in a sparkly thong.
Don’t make this weird.
Im sorry, did i say that out loud?
that’s ultimately up to blizzard, i know what i’d like out of it at least