Ive seen what happens when blizzard adds options. Its followed shortly by removal of other ones.
Remember when they added a toggle to use new or old character models? Gone.
Personal loot was added. Now its only personal loot.
No thanks.
I have little faith in blizzard or this community to do hypothetical changes right.
It’s not flawed because all changes are linked together. Give one person one change, you gotta implement the rest of them.
See how quickly all four of those changes stockpiled with the reason “doesn’t effect the game”? The four of them, combined takes away from the point of Classic, to begin with. Rendering my point, correct that people (#notall) think they want the Classic life but really don’t 'cause they like features of Retail to be added to it, to make it “easier” for them. You can’t argue that.
Yes, we do have history on our side, and you still haven’t learned your lesson. All of the changes impact the authenticity of Classic.
I am discussing it. You just don’t like the answer.
Still, they had numbers to see how many actually want Classic.
Not ignored. I asked you several times how it’s flawed. You dimply ignored it.
And this is the same mentality that’s going to destroy Classic. You thought you did, but you didn’t. You like the achievement system. Those didn’t even come out until Wrath and hurts the point the Classic.
Because people will use your same mentality as those “being great additions to WoW”. It steamrolls.
Again, you’re using the “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL” argument to justify adding more changes. And yes, those who want changes should kick rocks. I mean, that’s kind of what they’re telling me every time they say “well, changes already happened, LOL”.
Literally, when it was first announced. The point of Classic is to provide an authentic Vanilla Server, for World if Warcraft. Again with the “there’s already changes, LOL” argument. Doesn’t mean we should continue applying more changes to it.
Then Classic is not for you. Classic is for Vanilla. Not TBC. Not Wrath. Not Cata. Not MoP. Not WoD. Not Legion. Not BFA. This is exactly what I mean, you don’t want Classic. You want certain non-Vanilla features to cater to your TBC/Wrath needs. Which is fine, but let’s not use Classic, to do it.
Because it’s not Vanilla. That’s a Cata or MoP feature? Still holds my statement true.
The inability to do certain things in Classic hinders certain individuals because they’re so used to having access to those features. They can’t seem to handle the game without the Barbershop, Achievements, Personal Loot, Guild Banks, etc. Meaning, this Game is not meant for you, if you can’t live without certain features.
Making my point still correct, you thought you did, but you didn’t.
No, you have not. You insulted me for an hour. People called you out on it, when we finally got to a discussion, you didn’t explain the how and went MIA then began repeating yourself.
It’s the same thing. “LOL it’s not Vanilla”, so this is an open door for people to drag Classic through the mud because “LOL, it’s not Vanilla”. As if we can’t try to keep it that way.
Again, defeats the point of Classic. Dual Specs weren’t introduced until Wrath/Cata. Again, you thought you could handle it without all these features, but you didn’t. That’s entirely my point.
Exactly, you thought you wanted the Classic experience, but you didn’t.
It goes both ways. Those asking for changes are just as selfish. Not taking into consideration the #nochange (which I use metaphorically) stance. That’s great that people want all these changes, but they don’t belong in Classic.
Again, you’re taking “#nochanges” too seriously. It’s a metaphor. And aren’t the Pro-Changers being just as selfish? And telling #nochangers to kick rocks because of “there’s already changes, LOL”?
Again with the “but it’s already not Vanilla, LOL”. Not an excuse to keep changing it or stray away with more non-Vanilla things.
Again, with the “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL”, as an excuse to continously drag Classic through the mud.
You’re taking the “#nochanges”, literally. It’s a metaphor. It’s catchier than “#nomorechanges”.
Slippery slope is real. 'Cause you keep bringing up “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL”, which is the exact door needed to drag Classic through the mud.
Nice projection.
Again, with the “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL”. It’s an excuse to open up that can of worms for more changes.
Still not an excuse for a Barbershop, Achievements, Personal Loot, Guild Banks, etc.
Again, you’re taking the metaphor too seriously.
Again, “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL” is the exact kind of mentality needed to make more changes.
Again, “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL”.
Why’s it difficult to understand the concept of metaphors.
Because you gave them the perfect excuse “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL”, so let’s continue dragging Classic through the mud.
Yep, thanks to to the “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL” crowd.
Yeah 'cause it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL. See how quickly that steamrolls?
Well, it’s not like Classic is Vanilla, anyway, LOL.
Yes, because it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL.
I still want no further changes. Phases was a mistake. All of it should’ve been released when Classic launched. So was layering. 'Cause they’re being used as excuses.
Don’t include me in that conversation. I have nothing to do with it.
Again, you’re just generalizing the moment you see “#nochanges”, I’m somehow lumped into that category. Especially, when I’m using it metaphorically.
Again, doesn’t mean I accept those changes. I’ve said this repeatedly. Again, #nochanges is metaphor. Stop taking it seriously. Let’s stop using “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL” to continously drag Classic through the mud.
So is “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL”.
It’s a metaphor for #nomorechanges. #nochanges is catchier.
Not a reason to give up and continue adding more changes to it.
Dire Maul was in Vanilla, though? Like I said, the Phases was a mistake 'cause if gives people like you to add more changes 'cause “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL”.
Again, it’s a metaphor. Again, we’re back to “it’s not Vanilla, anyway, LOL” which is all that’s needed to add a stream of more non-vanilla features. 'Cause people (#notall) can’t play without them. Which still supports my point. You think you did, but you didn’t.
Then stop hijacking Classic to appease your BC and Wrath desires. That’s all I’m asking.
I agree, phases should’ve never happened, but I disagree that there’s “nothing to do”. That’s an entirely different conversation.
You missed my point but read what this person just said:
They’ll find some excuse.
But wait, “Classic is not Vanilla, anyway, LOL”
Again with the whole “it’s not Vanilla, anywat, LOL”, so let’s just kerp dragging Classic through the mud.
Actually, I agree. I’m under no illusion that speaking truth to power is any more than a convenient way to waste the energy of the masses. I suspect Blizzard’s internal analysis constitutes 100% of the reason so few changes were made.
All our chanting really did was bring it back.
As to who we are to dictate what will be accepted, we are the paying customer. Our voice is our payment. Presumably enough customers refrained from purchases to ding Blizzard’s bell.
A hashtag most definitely can imply an argument. Insults rarely do.
Actually I was very encouraged to read in another of your posts an explanation for what the slippery slope argument is, and the qualifications for being a slippery slope fallacy! This is a significant step up over most who claim to see the fallacy.
Apparently it has been pointed out that there is in fact a causal relationship between each step down the slope, i.e., a tendency to make changes to appease the crowds. The more people appeased, the more likely the next change, Etc.
I’d be interested in why you don’t find that compelling.
Was more than just one group within the group. It was everyone.
Everyone should be allowed to have conversation and in most of these threads with #nochanges has been pretty frustrating.
Now, OP reminded me this was about Classic and I did get side tracked into talking about Classic+, but hopefully people come around to a Classic+ later on (we’re still early phase) and entertain it at some point.
I’m all for leaving Classic as it is. But SOME QoL isn’t so bad either, mechanically mostly. But I get not having some of the proposed suggestions in Classic and would like to see it in a Classic+ capacity.
You are using the word objective as if you know what it means, but flatly wrong.
Running to a trainer and paying a hefty fee to change the way you play the game is an integral part of many immersive RPGs. For those who prefer immersive RPGs, it would objectively be better.
For those who prefer action games with minimal investment, it would be an objective improvement because it increases the action and reduces the investment.
Because it is an objective improvement for two different people, the word we use is subjective.
Absolutely. Blizzard’s INTENTIONS with Classic was to make a recreation of the vanilla game as it was a short while before TBC launched. This means that any and all QoL features that were added later were NOT put into the game because they previously did not exist.
Blizzard has also stated that it was created to be a museum piece to remain AS IS in perpetuity so long as retail WoW exists. Ion Hazzikostas himself has stated that making ANY changes to Classic would be the equivalent of opening Pandora’s Box…meaning they DON’T WANT TO MESS WITH IT!!!
So to you and everyone else who wants Classic to have QoL changes just to cater to all the retail plebs…Tough tiddies. Either advocate for Classic+…wait for TBC/WoTLK or whatever your favorite expansion was to be put out again…OR…S.T.F.U and play Classic the way it is and deal with it, or go back to retail…THOSE are your options
I definitely agree that even among no changers there was diversity. I’m actually one who plays the game as a single player action game, ignoring story, socialization, etc. Definitely not mainstream.
I don’t really agree that the hashtag stopped conversation. For sure it forstalled many intelligible contributions from those using it, but I’m assuming the no change argument was all they had to articulate anyway. And given how tricky the no changes position actually is to intuit (even after explaining lol), I think the hashtag actually served us well in conveying our message.
I will be happy to sign any of your petitions for Classic Plus or burning Crusade, maybe even Lich King, as long as they do not take away my classic.
The thing is, the biggest opponent (Blizzard) agreed not to defile it. I feel that same zealous fight is weighed way too viciously against players bringing up decent issues.
Anything remotely reasonable (IE: pro spell batching) needs adjusting, the quickest # thrown out there is somehow grounds for argument.
My thing about the #nochanges is that we didnt get classic. We got a Pserver on 1.12.1
Classic should have started at 1.1 we need all the crappy talents in the wrong trees.
1.12.1 at launch made the game waaaay too easy. The raid difficulty doesn’t catch up until AQ.
Well, this was understood from the beginning to be a serious issue. There were even those who sought to argue for a specific version of classic. Eventually however it was collectively decided that anything under the classic umbrella was acceptable as long as nothing outside it was let in.
And unfortunately difficulty and challenge were one of the things cast aside to enable no changes.
Frankly I’d have happily swallowed barber shops, transmogrification, even pet battles, if I could simply have my crowd control back. But I am merely one among the crowd.
LOL that was your first mistake right there…raids were meant to be done in GUILDS not PUGs…Bosses only drop 3 pieces of loot, and to expect a fair shot at anything in a PUG is sheer lunacy. You might be able to get away with pug raids in retail, but Classic is a whole different animal. You should’ve realized that to begin with…or did you not play vanilla back in the day?? If not, then it’s not like you couldn’t have done some research about the end game content in advance