Every time I see any post regarding any kind of change (big or small, doesn’t matter), I think of that statement being applied to all the ones requesting changes. Obviously, some (#notall) of you can’t handle not having certain features in Classic like Retail has. So, you’re just proving that statement, more and more. Enough is enough. Can’t handle it, Retail is that way —>
EDIT: Just to prove how quickly advocating for changes steamroll… (you can click on the Quotes for more context)
Thing is, #nochanges is meaningless since there are MANY changes from the ‘vanilla experience’ right from the moment of launch … people chanting #nochanges as an argument against anything proposed are simply trolling, since they’re playing a game which doesn’t conform to their religion.
Yea, stuff like layering among other things weren’t in Vanilla. Another guy was posting a few other changes added to Classic. This thread will be fun though.
And using the fact that Blizz decided to change certain things is meaningless and a bad excuse to add even more changes. Rendering the Classic project meaningless. Instead of trying to remove the knife from the body, we (generalizing) just want to add more knives to the body because the body already has a knife in it.
The whole point of #nochanges is to avoid adding more changes to it.
You don’t have to “fix” my quote. There was nothing “broken” about it to begin with.
Because it’s all bad. Look at what’s happening! People see changes and cling onto accepting more change, until Classic becomes no longer Classic. We have people asking for Classic+ or TBC/Wrath 'cause obviously Classic isn’t all that suitable for them. That or history is repeating itself, and we’re doomed to repeat the same mistake and ending up with Retail, again. I don’t see how you can’t possibly see this.
I disagee with this assessment. Blizzard made as minimal concessions as they thought they could to allow the game to work in 2019 as best as they could, but the goal was always the recreate the vanilla experience as best as possible.
Adding layers/increasing realm populations so that they didn’t have to create triple the servers they thought were going to die out is different than “We need LFD!”
Your quote is broken if you can sit here and tout the nochange keyboard face slam over and over and admit Blizzard made changes. Get over yourself.
And the only worry about a Classic+ is because players have no faith in Blizzard to make it good. Which is a reasonable concern. But don’t be an opponent of it because of ignorance. Be more objective than giving the same old hashtag nonsense response.
Looks like someone already took your logic to its absurd conclusion. I’ll try another tactic.
How about instead of focusing on the changes that did happen, you focus on the changes that were avoided by the strident chanting? We can’t say for sure of course but you have us to thank for the lack of flying, transmog, or whatever.
It’s not broken and just because I acknowledge Blizz made those changes, doesn’t mean I accept those changes. Difference. I’d rather help remove the knife than keep adding knives.
Throwing out insults isn’t an argument.
If you’re fine with the way it is, you wouldn’t be advocating for a Barbershop.
You know I started to notice something, ingame I run into many people who like change and suggest the same simple changes I do (guild bank, barber shop, less meme specs, etc) and the mass majority of #nochange on the forums. At this point I’m starting to think these no change people are the minority not the majority
So you’re pretentious enough to think your hashtag made some sort of impedance or prevention to any other suggested changes? Get out of here man. Please don’t think for a second you’re some sort of singular voice of reason. Blizzard, as explained in another thread, put together the Patch 1.12 package and released it as that WITH changes.
Who are you to dictate what has to be accepted?
All you guys do is run in and throw out the same ol bs hashtag every single time something you don’t like comes up. Sounds like a bunch of gestapo’s to me.
He can’t be happy with someone wanting more. That’s their issue. I’ve come to common grounds with some of the #nochanges, but these guys are like the Scarlet Crusade of the movement.
I’m not telling people to accept anything (other than accepting Classic as Classic). There was an insinuation that I accepted these changes because I admit they exist. I clarified the difference between the two.
Your evidence?
Perhaps you missed this part of the OP:
We’re talking about Classic, wanting to change it goes against the point of Classic. If you’re happy with Classic, you wouldn’t be advocating to change it.
We can come to a common a ground, as long as we leave out the personal insults. Which I never threw out, BTW.