#nochanges You Think You Did, but You Didn't

Actually, they don’t have to retool their personal loot system.

The only reason there’s no cloth on a paladin’s list is because no cloth is optimal for a paladin anymore.

That’s how personal loot works. It’s just a list of item IDs for classes for specs.

They do have to retool it. Adding in non standard gear where its needed. Adding the vanilla loot to it, adding it to classic, adding in the toggle. Thanks but no. You can keep it as far away from classic as possible.
You say no drama with personal loot, imagine the drama the minute a hunter gets a binding.

There’s no such thing as “standard” and “nonstandard” gear. Gear is just gear. You don’t understand how the system works. The toggle was already in the legion client. They had to expend effort to REMOVE it. WOW Classic is the Legion client with data imported from vanilla into it.

That isn’t drama because you can’t do anything about it. Drama only stems from choices made. Look at the other thread in classic. They’re pissed that a guild CHOSE to give two bindings to a rogue because their pug had no guild tanks in it. There’s drama there because that was a CHOICE. That’s the beauty of personal loot. It takes away those choices because the game decides loot assignment. That’s why there’s no drama.

There still is drama with personal loot. Just not the same drama.

What you’re calling “a different kind of drama” isn’t actually drama at all but just a disingenuous semantic argument to avoid admitting you’re wrong.

Really? You think a hunter getting a binding isnt going to cause drama? You think getting loot you cant trade because personal loot is a fragged system isnt going to cause issues?

Lol. Get real and get out with personal loot.

What drama could it possibly cause?

Who are you going to yell at if a hunter gets a TF binding? Which person are you going to be angry at? It’s not the hunter’s fault. It’s not a master looter’s fault.

You can’t blame anyone. It’s no one’s fault. Drama is an interpersonal phenomenon. There can’t be drama when there’s no personal interaction/choice involved.

And by the way, if it were done correctly, bindings wouldn’t even be on a hunter’s personal loot table, so your whole argument is a moot point anyway. Try a better one.

There will be all sorts of drama over it and how broken and dumb personal loot is. But hey, keep pretending personal loot is great. Its so dang broken it cant even differentiate between a dagger and a mace

Yeah that explains why, on retail, there’s no drama associated with it at all even when it’s FORCED on people in LFR, and all I’m suggesting is making it an additional option.

You won’t admit you’re wrong, but it’s good enough to know that you realize it.

In retail there is no legendaries anymore. And in retail there is issues with the system to this day.

If im a priest and using a dagger, and an inferior mace drops for me, i cant pass it to someone else unless i have a higher item level mace.

Thats how stupid personal loot is. Its dumb and has ZERO PLACE in classic.

Abd im not wrong. The moment a hunter gets a binding from personal loot this forum would be flooded with drama over it.

But keep deluding yourself.

Actually, if hunters get TFs from personal loot (they wouldn’t, though, because it wouldn’t be on their PL list) the responses will be more along the lines of “lol” because it wasn’t a ninja or jerk doing it but just a random result of the system.

Loot acquisition is objectively faster with personal loot, so you and the priest will get what you want sooner regardless. As it stands in classic, you probably won’t get any loot at all because like 3 drops are fought over by 40 people.

Other massive advantages of personal loot: as it stands right now, you wouldn’t invite like 15 hunters to a MC pug because you wouldn’t want to have that many people fighting over a leaf. With personal loot, it doesn’t matter. Individuals just get what they get.

People stop worrying about which classes they’re bringing and just bring people. It’s objectively better for pugs.

Why wouldnt it be on their list? The binding lists hunters as an option.
Furthermore, if you are all for options, you are playing the wrong game. Since day one classic was described as authentic. Show me when PL was added in during vanilla wow.

This farcical clinging to the “they made changes already so why not more” argument is… well… farcical.

The changes they made are lamented across the no changes and some changes crowd…

Layering is a disaster, upgraded graphics but with old models, sure okay you can turn them off, but still, a change to appease the “we want classic, but better” crowd.

Just because blizz made mistakes while having to use it’s new engine, and because they refused to make enough servers to handle the load does not mean we need to make more changes…

Please, just stop… I won’t tell you to go play retail, but maybe go to a private server and demand they add it there… you have a better chance getting QoL changes (probably for an extra fee) on private servers than you do here.

We’ve already established that Activision’s goal was never authenticity given that they decided to be lazy and use the Legion client instead of update the original client and server code because it was easier.

Might as well fix the game at this point. Vanilla was broken anyway.

Funny because there are actually too many servers now. Server pop is dwindling every day. I’m expecting mergers within a few months.

Personal loot was one of the things that made me feel like the retail game has lost something. The chance at a reward, even if you couldn’t use it (by rolling greed on an item no one needed) is still better than getting an empty loot window, with a pittance of coin.

Vanilla was so broken that classic tripled wow subs. Whats that say about retail?

False equivalency. I think we all agree that retail is garbage.

Doesn’t mean that vanilla wasn’t horribly broken in many ways.

And yet here you are trying to force retail garbage in. No thanks. Its odd, you want to fix whats broken with vanilla. And you suggest adding a broken system like personal loot.

Vanilla might have issues, but its part of what gives it charm.

The only change i would even not care about is stuff like color blind mode.

Adding an option.

You obviously haven’t done any pug raids in classic or you’d realize how much value it would add.