#nochanges You Think You Did, but You Didn't

The R14 grind is gonna be much more enjoyable with arenas being implemented. Also all those world quests in pre cata azeroth is exciting.

I’ve heard the R14 season 1 flying mount is going to be a Black Drake. How OG is that?

The view from the sky is much better in Classic. Im hoping i get a titanforged world drop tonight

Hey ill add you to my bnet friends list incase we need a cross server friend for our mythic 13 zulfarrak if youre interested

That would be sick. My friend got a titanforged Thunder Fury from LFR last week. That thing is so crazy. I bet there are only 5-10 on the server so far.

Okay then, #nochanges is to keep classic as close to vanilla as possible. That is it. Most of us are opposed to all changes but sometimes compromises can be made right? As long as the core game is not changed then its fine. I know people want to take any and every little thing and blow it out of proportion and try to make it a counter argument for their own changes in mind. However, some changes are too drastic and too noticeable to be in Classic. Which would make Classic not vanilla but like something else.

TBC should not be changed either. Im totally behind keeping TBC exactly how it was but from what I read it is the people pushing for a new kind of WoW like the Classic+ crowd. Im not sure where you stand on it but I believe any legacy content should always remain the same or how it was when it was active.

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So the position of nochanges is to be against all changes but justify the changes that do get made.

Got it.

I cant change what Blizzard already planned out back in 2018 so yeah I cant make that go away. However, I can speak my mind on no more changes coming to Classic.

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Woah, there. Get out of here with that nuanced opinion! I think that’s totally reasonable. The #nochanges slogan just needs to go. It really hurts the argument imo.

What I am saying is in order for the game to work in 2019 some technical changes have to be made yes however Blizzard are the ones in charge on making those changes yet those carefully planned changes do not make any legacy content to something else it is not. As long as legacy content stays at least 99% of what the original content was like (playwise) then that is what nochanges is about.

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Why? do you just not like the hashtag? lol

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By default the slogan should be #somechanges then.

We cant control what blizzard want to keep in. I understand the technicality of what you’re talking about but nochanges is just easier to type imo.

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Its also easier to just not type it, considering that battle was lost long ago.

Another battle nochanges lost? When dire maul releases. I mean the L’s just keep piling up on you guys.

I think the main battle was to explain the stance to two or more people. I mean I have been sitting from I think 200 and something post all the way to 358. Which largely the argument is now becoming about the slogan or the hashtag. Which now it’s literally gone to “Just not type it”
Well I would surely hope that Diremaul is in it’s close to vanilla state? I mean I hope? xD

Nah, I believe it still has relevance now than ever as many bring in retail change threads I see on here everyday. Regardless of how you may feel about it being lost to changes that Blizzard felt were minimal and was done before the game came out back in 2018. The stance on #nochanges will remain.


they said they would release content as they guage the community that desires it. Again something Blizzard decided on not the non-nochange crowd.

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The difference is subtle but important. When someone says #nochanges , like it’s some achievable goal, that indicates, to me:

  1. That they are unaware of the current state of Classic and the changes that already exist in the game, or are aware of said state but are delusional enough to think that Blizzard is somehow going to transform it into a carbon copy of Vanilla

  2. That they are utterly and completely adverse to compromise.

If you said #minimalchanges or something like it, your post doesn’t come with the baggage that such an extreme, and likely impossible, sentiment like #nochanges carries.

Edit: hell, something like #keepitvanilla would be much more palatable imo

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I like to believe a lot of us are aware of the state of Classic atm. Sure, there can be people on here that are not as informed I get that. However, I believe a lot of us come from the private sector of unofficial vanilla servers and have a passion for the game to be as close to what it was back 2006 as possible. We already know that some changes have to be made. Blizzard are the ones in control but I believe many of us believe in their team on making Classic as what it was back in 2006. Any more changes in the future are going to ones that Blizzard caught and are correcting to classic from their vanilla client. Some may even have to be made to prevent exploiting or bugging the game out.

#Nochanges main purpose is to make sure and be vocal about any type of change that was not from vanilla. If it was in vanilla then it should be in Classic and that is the whole point on keeping things how they originally were back in 2006. I agree that #keepitvanilla or something like that would be more appropriate. Maybe it sounds more positive than nochanges as it sounds more arrogant and possibly ignorant like how your interpretation of it.

Nochanges is just what this group of people embraced and I guess sounds more of a “shutdown” I guess? I dont know, people like to be quick to offend or get people all “overrustled” over things. However, people are just that seriously passionate about Classic being as close to what they played on Nostalrius, what people played on Elysium Project, what people played on Lights Hope, and what people played back in 2006 Vanilla.

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