I mean, it probably would have taken LESS work to do that. The way they had to adapt the old data to the new client was crazy to listen too, and, even though Ion can be less then trustworthy, their tech guys have no reason to lie
I mean, it’s plain and obvious that it borked the game so badly that half the spells don’t work properly.
Right? It seemed like a management call that was totally ridiculous from a dev standpoint.
So the mail changes dont prove #nochanges is a joke?
Bro, it’s only #changes if the player base gets a change that makes the game more fun. Sh1tty, unasked for changes are still #nochanges because reasons.
PS: They broke a ton of macro scripting calls that worked in Vanilla. #nochanges
Nochanges at this point should be a series on comedy central.
Mailing multiple items was announced at 2018 blizzcon. Did people care then? no? okay
It wasnt authentic to vanilla tho so you know what that means?
The slippery slope has already started! Omg the horror!
We got 'em, boys! Quickly, remove the talent trees and give everyone a flying mount. Oh, and BATTLE PETS.
Thank god i can mail multiple items in Classic, ive been looking forward to Naxx LFR
“Oh yeah now I can propose my “insert retail feature here” in the forums cus I want it cus they did mail box changes”
come on dude. it was something Blizzard thought people would save time doing and was not a huge change at that. Changes that are small like this are easily not noticeable.
I can’t wait to get our new Azerite traits when Naxx comes out tomorrow.
But a barbershop somehow leads to LFR? THIS is why #nochanges was always, and will always be, a joke.
You hyped for the transmog contest?
So now we’re at #minimalchanges and just haggling over how much to change?
Barbershop hair changes are noticeable changes. They reflect changes to characters looks. LFR is bad and a huge noticeable change.
Name some other changes that are not noticeable pls.
Im not Blizzard am I? that wasnt something I wanted thats what they wanted since they commented on it last blizzcon lol.
Yeah but I want to get my R14 gear from my rated AV conquest chest before hand.
No i dont have to name other changes cause nochanges should be opposed to all changes otherwise youre just #somechanges.
Another example of the movement being a joke is when they insert themselves into a tbc server thread saying theyd be ok with it if it doesnt have flying and insert personal issue with BC here changes.
Ok, but you agree that the mail change isn’t going away, so #nochanges will never happen.