#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

Who cares what might kill the game someday, play the game and find out when you get there. The original “vanilla” game became slowly “killed” because the core of the game was slowly chipped away from people complaining “such and such class and spell are too overpowered”, “it takes too long to level up”, I want mounts sooner", “I want to play on pvp server but I dont want people attacking me”. If you don’t appreciate the integrity it takes to protect the purity of classic then go back to BFA safe space where everything you can count on get’s changed and nerfed because somebody got offended.

As far as not enough content, go get a real life. This game is more vast in vanilla than probably any other video game out there. If there’s not enough content here then yea you need to get a life. “If the game is good and you love playing it, you would be fine with adding more content”. If someone loves playing this game why would they need more content? That becomes a slippery slope of adding more and more until its no longer the same game. Go back to BFA.


On principle, I wouldn’t disagree with that. Putting together a RFC group the other night was a pain in the butt.

But just because it’s a good change doesn’t mean its one that should be made.

My favorite part of this claim is that it’s all anecodtal. No one has any freaking clue what the breakdown is, not even Blizzard really knows what is most popular.

To think you’re not taking a total crapshoot at whether no changes is or isn’t the majority is hubris to the highest caliber.

I dont know if blizzard will ever release a line of content that deviates from retail, but i definitely do not want to see classic tbc, classic wrath , etc. I hope that if the population stays big for a while that this gives blizzard incentive to maybe do something like wow2 where it keeps the spirit of vanilla, in that there are no QoL changes, no hyper balance. i very much doubt this will happen

Not my job to lock it down. The old devs are still alive blizzard can ask them, i could give an idea of what i think they are, you can get a good idea reading the wow diaries. But just reading through the diaries you can get a pretty good idea.

Im speaking for myself. Its your ilk speaking for everyone. Obviously insecure.


This is common, unfortunately.

I see this as the most likely scenario if they go that hybrid route with Retail. It will ruin Retail for the people who like it as-is in a vain attempt to retain the fickle people who got hyped about Classic and then got bored with it due no steady stream of new content there.

Think of the huge backlash there was on Retail over the proposal to remove flight from future expansions, a single QoL change. And there was the more recent anger over the shuffling of the existing portals. The removal of QoL or convenience factors for that “Classic feel” isn’t welcomed there. By trying to redirect Classic’s inevitable attrition to Retail, they would be driving away longtime Retail fans.

Why is this directed at me? I agree nobody knows, hence the “Since everyone insists” (since a common argument against #nochanges is they’e the minority). Did… did you not read what I posted? It literally agrees with your point of view.

and a lot of people “myself included” wanted to play on those pserver’s.
The only reason we didn’t is because we would have eventually lost all progress on those characters when the servers were shut down inevitably.

Now that there is a very stable server environment we can use, we are going to be playing now that we know we won’t lose our characters.

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Which includes:

Classic must remain Classic, for the reason that we wanted Classic, not WoW2. You can have all your Classic+ new content if you want, as long as it’s on a different server group and there’s no interaction backwards. (Transfers off Classic to Classic+ are fine a few weeks after release).

I would love it if they made stand-a-lone games out of Wrath since I never got the opportunity to play them. However, I would hate if they made changes to any of these expansions other than what was made during the expansions.

I never played Vanilla and I am enjoying the game as is.

In fact, I think blizzard should have taken the two years it takes to build an expansion, and changed things like talents, skills, professions back to the way they were in Vanilla. You actually have to think and put the work in to level them.

Yesterday I spent an hour punching boars so I could increase my unarmed skill. It was pretty fun.

You know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna get all the surviving members of Pink Floyd together in a room and ask them to lay out for me the design philosophies that went into creating the Dark Side of the Moon record. Then I’m gonna write them all down and hand them off to the members of Metallica and expect them to create something just as good that Pink Floyd fans can truly get behind and say “Yeah, this works splendidly.” What could possibly go wrong?

No one is speaking for the group. Read the threads. They’re speaking for themselves just fine. I’m sorry not everyone is on board with this clearly bad idea but that’s no reason to take it personally.

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It wasn’t directed at you, just a general statement since you made the point about how people believe that no changes is minority.

I’d like to see some class balancing at some point. The idea that some specs are completely worthless kinda saddens me. Especially knowing that Blizzard has the means to fix the specs that aren’t up to par.

Bear tank being useless in raids. Boomkin being an actual joke. Every spec but Holy being useless on Paladin. These are things that can be fixed, and wouldn’t hurt the WoW experience. In my opinion I feel as though they would enhance it.

You are categorically wrong.

Take a look at the Blizzcon video where a Blizzard lead software engineer talks about developing classic. In the first 5 minutes, he uses these words:

  • archaeology
  • restoration
  • history
  • memories

Later, he says, “We love those memories and we want to go back to it.”

Sounds like a museum piece to me. In addition, while it is certainly a money maker – as museums often are – it is not a separate subscription. Many argued that it should be, but it is bundled with retail, which is where new content is implemented.

Finally, take a look at the stickied Blizzard thread at the top of this forum, called “Classic Content Plan”. That’s it, right there.

Classic draws back those who pined for it, and gives retail players something different to do in between content waves. That’s all it was ever intended to be.


Fine. Separate servers for Classic and Classic+.

Oh I dunno - as I said initially, maybe I’m a naive optimist but I think it can be done. I think Retailers and Classic players are more alike than either side cares to admit.

They disagree on a few points - but I think if Blizzard just breaks a few QOL things that keep everyone from saying a word to each other in Retail, and focuses on sharding people who’ve seen each other before into the same shard (so you start to see the same people without even trying to), while still maintaining a few super casual staples like LFR and Flying, I think it’s definitely possible to make a game we can all enjoy.

Heck even in Retail, LFR is devalued to the point of being near obsolete. You can get much better gear from upgrading your Benthic - it’s literally only there to let everyone at least see the raid and experience a version of it. I have no problem with that.

Oh my goodness you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…

It’s been a week bro.

A week.

I don’t say this often but for real go back to retail.


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Museum servers have already been guaranteed and that’s 100% fine. If there are enough people that Museum servers could have a healthy population, there’s no reason to not keep them.

This really isn’t a conversation we need to have though. Changes and new content are inevitable. Even many of the most vocal “#NoChanges” idiots will cave once the stagnation sets in.

There is -NO- chance that changes don’t come by the time Phase 6 has settled. Maybe even sooner cause all the glaring flaws of Vanilla will be apparent again by that point.

It’ll just be an opt-in feature that moves your character to the “Classic+” realm. Simple.

Only reason why i’m playing this again is because i want it to remain a ‘time capsule’ and or a ‘museum’

If want change i’d click the tab on my launcher and pick BFA.

What were u puffing on before u even s.posted this?