#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

Yes it is.

And it is. And will continue to do so so long as anyone is playing it.

Hey man, if you’re just gonna make stuff up and think you’ve scored a point…you need to work on the whole discussion thing.

:open_mouth: You don’t say?! This is precisely why it needs no iteration, since that’s what Retail is for.


It’ll all come down to numbers. The current Retail numbers pre-Classic vs. the numbers after Classic. If there’s as dramatic an increase in the numbers as I think there is, Activision will tie Blizzard’s hands: Try to make something that’ll appeal to the Classic audience before we lose them again.

Is it possible they come up with some amalgamation of the two that both hate? Absolutely. But you better believe that if the Q3 numbers are as high as I suspect they might be, they’re going to force Blizzard to try… or replace upper management with those who will.

Yes it does. It preserves the INTENDED gameplay, just not the gameplay that we actually had.

It doesn’t change classes, class balance, rotation, mob density, the world, or the fact that we would all still need walk together to dungeons. It makes finding groups easier and gives us a little more bag space. That’s it. It would have an effect on the economy so the economies should stabilize first (pets would be more desirable, for instance).

What the #NoChanges crowd needs to acknowledge is that maybe SOME QOL changes are needed to keep modern gamers interested. Those changes don’t need to influence server communities, exploration, the threat of the open world, gearing, or classes like some changes eventually did.

And, yes, I played the game back in the day. I am playing now. I will continue playing.

That’s what classic+ is.

Imagine thinking Activision can be trusted to make classic+ even good

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I thought classic plus was just adding new dungeons/raids to classic?

No, this is subjective nonsense that always gets used by pro-changers carelessly. You just declare that your changes “preserve the spirit of classic” or some BS like that.

Oh and of course, there it is: “We need QoL changes!” Typical.

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What is “Vanilla design philosophy” exactly? This is one of those vague concepts people keep tossing around and can’t define.

“No flying” is not an example of design philosophy, just so we’re clear. That’s a game play feature. I don’t want a list of game play features, I want a philosophical statement.

The general idea of classic+ is evolving the game with new content while keeping the core of what makes classic a good MMO. Whether that is just new content or expansions, it’s the same goal.

I dont want any qol. Tbc was fine without all that qol crap. End of wrath was a mistake.

Apparently kern thinks you can define it. But you are right you have a better understanding then the team lead of vanilla. Lol

Which ruins the experience for the people who have, for over a decade, asked for nothing more than the game as it was presented in Vanilla. They didn’t want new dungeons, they didn’t want new gear sets…they just wanted Vanilla back.


The game is meant to recapture the Vanilla experience. That’s what Blizzard has said. Anything beyond that is merely an invention of forum trolls…like the OP.

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Quit pretending you speak for everyone. Not just private server people signed the petition.

If you ask people why they prefer classic over retail, the list is generally the same. Of course you can define it. I’m not going to, because my opinion is the same as yours. Ask yourself why you like classic and that’s most likely what othersthink as well.

I didn’t ask Kern. I asked you and the rest of the folks around here who keep advocating for this nonsense. Not a one of you have been able to do it yet.

In your opinion it is nonsense, to others it isn’t.

I don’t consider myself pro changes. There are some changes I’d like to see or feel neutral about but these are not changes I would fight for, either.

Remember, some quality of life changes were good.

Now, if they were to bring in CRZ, Dungeon Finder, and Heirloom Gear I would be absolutely livid. That would kill the game. Absolutely not for any of those. No. Never.

So wait a minute…

I can’t speak for everyone when I say people just wanted the original back, even though there’s demonstrable evidence in this thread and others that that’s precisely what they want.

But you and others can speak for everyone when you say that we’ll hate Classic if we don’t get new content updates.

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Classic+ means tons of developers time. Pretty much in two-three months we all see if classic lovers is large enough player base to make such investment worthy. Honestly, I doubt it. I am enjoying reliving fifteen years old experience, but I doubt a lot of 40 man raids survive more than a few runs. We all have more alternatives now than we had fifteen years ago.