#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

The hypocrisy is astounding. :slight_smile:

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They also don’t want to play Classic.

They want to play something between Classic and Retail. Let’s call is Classic+, and put it over there, and leave Classic alone.

Everyone is happy.

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Maybe you should get a dictionary cause your definitions need work.

That’s really misunderstanding the point then. New content for you to clear is not retail the sequel, that isn’t what makes retail retail.

Derka, let me just take the opportunity to thank you for your service in this and other threads. It’s nice to see a fellow staunch supporter of an authentic classic experience. Carry on, friend, and fight the good fight.


Quality of Life changes I would like to see or wouldn’t mind seeing added to Classic:

-Looking for Group (NOT Dungeon finder, this is basically just trade chat spam turned into an interface that can be accessed server-wide)
-Pet Tab
-Mount Tab
-Increased item stacks
-increased bank space

These things preserve the intended gameplay of the Classic experience, and make going out and doing things a little more enjoyable due to decreased downtime.

In the realm of misunderstanding the point, you need a good long look in the mirror, friend. People asking for new content and changes are misunderstanding the point of the Classic project entirely.


No, they don’t. You just want them so you throw in the typical “these changes don’t effect the classic experience” comment because you think it gives you validation. Everyone says that when calling for changes, all the time. Yet everyone also has a different list of changes they want than you do.

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It appears you don’t understand what the point of the classic project is either.

Please, do not do this. The people who want a Classic-like game have Classic now. A significant portion of people (most?) who play Retail regularly have no interest in it being turned into Classic II.


Okay sooo…all you’ve got left in the tank is “I know you are but what am I!” Good debating you, sir.

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Classic is not a museum, it is a subscription based service designed to make money. Whether you like it or not, when everyone quits in a year there will be new content.

Vanilla is a unique game from retail. The go back to retail argument holds no ground.

Imagine the game not even out for more than a week and people are suddenly experts and time travelers to know that Classic will die. Ok buddy. Tell that to all the private servers that still exist.

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If there was some mythical guarantee that all new content would be exactly the same as the current content, design and experience wise, then maybe you would have a point.

The problem is that it seems like even blizzard isn’t 100% sure why classic is so addictive and beloved. I don’t believe that new content will match the standards of the original content. I also don’t want some well meaning developer to “buff Paladins” by ruining the play style for me like they did in BC/WotLK.


Seems we’re at an impasse. There are those of us that will quit the day changes get implemented, me among them. So it just comes down to the bigger populace between #nochanges and #catertomypreferences crowds. To be honest, I’m not sure which is larger. Guess we’ll see?

This is probably the most fair opinion you can have on the matter that isn’t a lack of change just for the sake of it, and that’s respectable.

This is why hundreds of thousands of players have been on and off of pserver for the past 15 years…

Cause vanilla is dying.



And why Super Smash Bros. Melee remains incredibly popular while multiple sequels have died off.

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Peaple want a new MMO with the experience classic wow gave. No new MMOPRG has provided this. Retail WoW lost what made WoW special. Period. Sure replaying what we loved will only last so long. Im Pro releasing slowly through what retail has minus the things that killed it. Fly mount… Easy lvling, LFG…

The game needs to evolve THE RIGHT WAY. Not the dumbed down version we have on retail now.

If not, eventually another company will provide what blizzard will not.

I dont want classic+ i want classic that goes a different route then retail with xpacs, that stays true to vanilla design philosephy.

As kern said, have them draft a constitution before continued patches.

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