#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

What, retail standards? Newsflash, pal: this isn’t retail. If Classic dies, then it dies. But it won’t die. The “worst” that will happen is that it will shrink to several servers of very happy people. The rest will move on with retail, and possibly Classic+, TBC, Wrath servers, etc. All part of Blizzard’s plan. They’ll make their money back, and then some.

Also, you never answered my question: who the hell do you think you are to tell me that my reasons for loving Classic for what it is rather than what I wish it could be are wrong?

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If having no new zones to explore is your definition of classic, more power to you. The numbers won’t agree with you in a year.

Letting the community vote is the most idiotic game design philosophy imaginable. Using a terrible game (Runescape) as an example of how it “works” is absurd.

Quit Classic now. You’re obviously unhappy with it which is why you’re here demanding changes.


No it doesn’t.


I always knew that once Classic came out and people saw that it was just Vanilla WoW with none of the QoL that they have enjoyed over the years, that they would want more.

Classic should remain Classic just like Blizzard said it would. It was promoted as a remastered Vanilla experience.

If you don’t enjoy the total Classic experience, just come to Retail WoW and start a new character and enjoy leveling up slowly and try to match the Classic experience but still make use of the QoL features. There are still a number of players in the old zones who are leveling up new characters.


A handful of people b1tching on the forums repeatedly is more like it.

How do you expect enjoying a multiplayer game with hardly any one playing it? Let alone a game that you need to play with others to have a smooth leveling process/be able to beat any dungeon/raid.

Doesn’t matter what the numbers are. As long as Classic WoW exists, it is succeeding in the purpose it was created for. It will have long paid for itself and then some by the time it “dies.”


That isn’t my definition or anyone’s definition. It is quite literally the definition. New zones? Retail is that way ==>

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No, these whiners have been at it for months. Once the Wall of No fell they needed a new tactic to try and destroy classic servers, that’s became Classic+ now.


Ask the pserver veterans.

According to the experts here, private servers only had 10k people max. People still enjoyed those bastardized versions of Vanilla WoW nevertheless; so much so that Classic WoW exists.

We’ll manage just fine.


Loving all these retail people crying for changes when people who have played Pservers were perfectly content with the game not changing for years.

Go back to retail.


Classic is private servers gone public. People have played private servers for years, they would have continued to do so had Classic not been announced.

Let the rosy retrospection folks have their time capsule. It’s not hurting anybody.

They wouldn’t listen anyways, so there isn’t a point to suggesting ways to better the game.

Good luck doing that when the leveling experience in retail is boring and you don’t need to bother playing with anyone for the whole process. The design philosophy between Retail and Classic is far too different.

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Be condescending all you’d like, you know that the people who advocate for more content do so because they don’t want to play retail. Surely you aren’t that dense.

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I agree whole heartedly but am surprised your post hasn’t been flagged by the bullies on here yet. Good luck!

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“Be condescending all you like as I push my way into a thing that other people enjoy the way it is and try to make big changes”

Go play retail.


Clearly Blizz did consider it fine because they MADE an official version of Classic. They worked with the devs of those private servers for a reason.

Maybe don’t speak for Blizz? You have no idea what their KPIs are =)

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Except in their own way, that’s exactly what they’re doing. They’re just trying to create Retail The Sequel.

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