#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

The pop of the largest vanilla pserver was only 2,000+ active players. It doesn’t matter if you consider a few thousand players “fine”, Blizz won’t.

Retail will continue to get new content, with the preserved recreation of Vanilla left intact for people to always play on.

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I will add that OSRS is an extension of “Runescape 2007”. OSRS is still alive today since (if I recall correctly) 2013, with a consistent playerbase. I don’t see why you need to trap Classic in a time capsule. Have it out for 6 months to a year and then start having polls and people voting for changes (just like in OSRS).

But like…OSRS man! That’s like the one time it sorta worked so like we can just hang our hat on that and assume it always works, her derp!

TBC was better than current Retail, and the designers of current Retail would be the same people making these magical “Classic+” changes you so dearly want.


I think we deserve the right to try out the system and improve Classic, don’t you agree?

I mean…if you’re just going to make numbers up to support your position, we can spend all day going down that rabbit hole and get absolutely nowhere.


Go play OSRS if you want something just like OSRS.

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No. Not only do you not deserve anything, you guys are literally the last people in the known universe I would look to for improving anything. I wouldn’t depend on the WoW community to improve a grilled cheese sandwich, let alone the complex, interwoven layers of systems that make up World of Warcraft. Most of you have no idea what you’re doing.


It’s not a diss to Classic - everything either needs to grow or die. Releasing a server in a sort of maintence mode by design is not going to work for long-term sustainability. Sure, it’ll retain some folks for years and years, but the vast majority will move on.

I’m not advocating for direct changes to Classic… my dream scenario is that Classic informs upon Retail and Blizzard comes up with a model for Retail that appeals to both audiences. Maybe I’m just a naive idealist, but I think it can be done.


It worked and I don’t like my opinion conflicting with facts and statistics, so like herp derp bro!

If they make a “Classic WoW Remastered”, I have no issues with transmog, updated textures etc.

But this is not the case.


Are the reason Warcraft is in shambles now.

Not to mention the whole game was simplified STRICTLY to get more bodies to play the game.

These players encouraged Blizzard to hand-hold us throughout WoW until we reached BFA.

In my opinion, the majority of people trying to change Classic into whatever they want are people that didn’t experience Classic in its original state. Even more ironic that it’s usually Blood Elves and people that started in TBC that keep pushing it.

So you keep trying to bend and change it to fit whatever you want because it’s popular now.


Unless it’s to fix TECHNICAL issues and bugs.

Not nerfing and buffing every week.

Not changing classes because some rogue abused a couple skills and made a movie crying about Warlocks.

Not nothing.


Make it so that a polled suggestion will have to reach 75% ‘thumb ups’ before being allowed to go through.

That’s what makes sense. Take lessons learned from Classic and apply them to designing the next Retail expansion.

But leave Classic alone FFS.


No, everything does not need to grow or die. I can go back and play Metal Gear Solid and Hitman: Silent Assassin or Batman: Arkham City with absolutely no need for it to adapt or change; they’re bloody perfect as presented in my opinion. That’s what Classic WoW is. It’s not intended to be a living, breathing, evolving MMO…it’s intended to be a museum. Even if only a small subset of people are still here five years from now, it’s still mission accomplished both from the players and Blizzard’s point of view going by what they’ve openly stated up to this point.

I think that’s a far more reasonable perspective. The Retail game is where iteration is supposed to happen, not Classic.


The thing that you’re failing to grasp is that people HAVE been doing this for years. What do you think was going on on all those private servers for the past 10+ years? People PLAYED the CLASSIC VERSION of the game. FOR YEARS! People keep saying it will die, private servers did not die, they thrived and thrived until Blizzard had to come in and start killing them, because they kept getting bigger and bigger. It’s already happened, there is no “you can’t expect people to do XYZ” because they already have been doing it.

Will it last another 10 years? Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?! But the business case is that there were enough people who played on private servers, actively, to warrant the argument that Classic be re-made officially.


I disagree. Retail has evolved into its own separate game and is nothing like classic.

Classic needs to get new content or it dies.

You are completely missing my point. How does me suggesting a polling system like the one in OSRS infer that I want WoW Classic to be OSRS. You’re actually thick.

So it can evolve into something that is nothing like classic, too!


That’s false, private servers by blizzard and investor standards were dead. 10k players max.