#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

What an original thread :roll_eyes:


Ahh. The Classic players screamed and made this wonderful thing happen and already, after not even a week, people are coming in wanting to change it. Why can’t we just leave the Classic people alone and let Classic be the wonderful thing that it is?


The community wanted the game to become easier, that’s how retail became what it is today.

No, you are not always right on what you want. Sometimes developers do know better than you. It’s shocking, I know. Public opinion has to be taken into consideration, but it’s not the holy bible.

Classic servers aren’t proof of anything, they had 10k players max. That’s dead according to our standards. If anything, it proves that I am correct.

You don’t like classic for the right reasons if it’s just a nostalgia trip.


This is such a tired concept I am tired of reading it tbh.


Almost as tired and useless as the “We need Classic+ or the game is gonna die!!!” crap.

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oh sorry was busy sleeping on you.

It will die without new content, you cannot expect people to running the same raids and dungeons for years or the same zones over and over especially with the large time investment.

Imagine giving Activision a license to modify Classic for their shareholder goals. You guys have no idea what you are asking for.


Private Vanilla servers have been around for over a decade.

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Hey pro classic+ players! Classic+ exists, it’s called World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

You see after 15 years of WoW, Blizzard decided to add these expansions called Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, etc etc

It sucks you missed out when these previous expansions were at content, but you can play BfA now if you like! It’s classic+

Yes, they had no subscription fee however still had pop in the thousands, which is absolutely empty compared to Blizzard standards.

These guys whine all day about how terrible BfA is but somehow think if the same developers and designers made “Classic+” changes to Classic that it would be wonderful and everyone would be happy.


That is not even remotely close to reality.


Like…the spirit of Vanilla and Vanilla principles and gumdrops and rainbows maaaaaan!

Precisely what people did on private realms for over a decade.

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I’m glad you feel that way Derka, but the truth is classic, or any MMORPG will stagnate and die within 5 years without new content.

People been playing Vanilla on Private server for 12+ years with no new content. it’ll be fine.


Empirically, provably, indisputably untrue.


“B-b-b-but, we’ll have players vote on changes, that way only good things make it in!”

  • Ignoring that virtually every dumbed-down fast-food mechanic that has ruined Retail was added because of overwhelming player demand

Classic plus is the way to go. Going TBC sucks because thats the path to retail. Doing nothing sucks because people will get tired of farming the same old instances AGAIN.