#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

Moderators: Delete this thread and ban the person that made it.

Even the mere thought or discussion of changing Classic is enough to cause unrest and push players away. Make it clear this will never happen and upsetting players by mentioning it will not be tolerated.


What did they learn from there mistakes lol? Has retail had any life changing alterations since this epiphany?

Changes do have to happen, I just think if you’re looking for changes to be inserted into Classic, you’re barking way up the wrong tree.

The “changes” I’m hopeful for is a refocus on the things that make Classic awesome… in Retail WoW. I’m not so anti-Retail that I won’t give it a shot if they market the next expansion as a return to their roots.

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Every game eventually dies. Despite numerous changes from expansion to expansion, Retail will eventually die. Classic is a museum piece, nothing more. I didn’t even play in Vanilla and don’t want any changes to Classic. Leave it alone.


“What did they learn from there mistakes lol? Has retail had any life changing alterations since this epiphany?”

Yes my friend, a couple years ago they nerfed dungeon XP and added level scaling in an attempt to get people out into the world again. The issue is that the new community built there doesn’t want it. This one does. They also attempted to encourage world PVP, they didn’t want it. We do.

They aren’t stupid, it’s just too late to go back on Retail.

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Then ask for Classic+, and leave Classic alone. All of you.

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Moderators: i cannot handle a different opinion please ban this how dare he want new content for vanilla im shaking


“Moderators: Delete this thread and ban the person that made it.”

Moderators: Delete this post and ban the person that made it for having a different opinion from me! Give me a safe space and echo chamber!


We may end up with progression servers - which follow the progressionof the game over time - just as Everquest has.

Hopefully though some Classic servers will remain.

This is just the start. Enjoy the show.

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Moderators, his opinion is TOO DANGEROUS and will KILL classic. BAN HIM QUICK!

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This was entirely predictable. I figured it would take longer for the ClassicPlusNow™ threads to start up but apparently the nostalgia buff wore off some people quicker than I expected.


“This was entirely predictable. I figured it would take longer for the ClassicPlusNow™ threads to start up but apparently the nostalgia buff wore off some people quicker than I expected.”

Personally, the nostalgia never hit me. I love classic for what it is, and that’s why I’m never going back to retail. That’s why I want the game to evolve and for people to not be in this immature nostalgia mindset.

If the game is good and you love playing it, you would be fine with adding more content to the same game as long as the core essence of it stays the same. If you don’t want new content, chances are you don’t like classic for the right reasons.


Hold on typing out this reply while I do my 15th kill 15 of these something’s quest.


Wait, now there is an official list of acceptable reasons to want to play Classic? Defined by you, I gather?


You have that correct.

Retail cannot be salvaged. This is why we need museum servers for classic and classic+.


Well let’s have that list, Loghain. I’m sure the rest of us are breathless with anticipation.



Who the hell do you think you are? You are basically coming in here and saying “You think you do, but you don’t.” You know what? Go to hell. I love Classic for the right reasons. We have years of proof from private servers that nothing needs to change content-wise to foster a thriving community of fans. All you saboteurs who are so concerned for longevity (at one week in, no less) are ignoring that.

You want Classic+. So ask for freaking Classic+, and leave Classic alone.


They started long before Classic WoW launched. These are people who never wanted Classic. Just people who never wanted to help the Little Red Hen bake bread but are demanding their slice now that it’s baked.


If you want to play retail good thing your still subbed to it to play classic.