#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

Ok . . . . .


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It’s not worth getting into it; you’re not listening to anything that disagrees with you and making stuff up where necessary to suit a very clear agenda that doesn’t fit with reality of what Classic both is and was intended to be.

Case in point.

Facts don’t care about your feelings friend. Do your research. I appreciate you conceding.

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Sometimes someone flings so much stupidity at you, it’s not worth continuing to spiral down to their level. If it helps you sleep tonight telling yourself you won the internet, who am I to deny you that?

To be clear: I’m just not replying to YOU anymore. You’re basically worthless. Others who are not quite so worthless, I’ll engage with.

Not replying because you have been proven wrong.

At least you admitted it yourself.

Yeah, I think I’m out of this thread. It’s just a roundabout of nonsense.

I’m going to enjoy my Classic WoW experience tonight. More boar killing so I can level cooking and skinning!

Me too Hammy! At the end of the day, we both love classic.

Best of luck to you!

I’m sorry you consider other opinions worthless. Perhaps if you stopped repeating the same debunked arguments over and over, you wouldn’t be frustrated that nobody believes you’re right


Are you still telling other people that their opinions are worthless with your elitist ideology on what classic should be? Wow dude, and I thought that sometimes I can be ignorant.

Debunked clearly doesn’t mean what you think it means.

It doesn’t matter if YOU feel your arguments are still valid and not debunked, but if so you are detached from the rest of reality. Facts don’t care about your feelings

Classic is here because of nochanges. Retail is here because of changes.

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Yes and no, Classic is museum they use to make extra money. It exist to serve Vanilla experience for like-minded players. You aren’t required to play it, there’s retail for evolving contents.

Classic will stay as is for many years. Maybe we will get TBC and WotLK stand alone servers in future. But that it.

And once again, private servers proved that Vanilla WoW is playable for come many years. Even with lack of contents. Plenty of people will stay and play. Only different thing is stuffs are true to Vanilla and server aren’t risk at being shut down by Blizzard lawyers.

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Yes, some opinions are worthless. What reality do you live in where every opinion that’s ever offered is a good one? How coddled do you have to be to actually believe that?

Yeah Kitaonna, I stopped taking him seriously when he called Loghain stupid for pointing out that Blizzard even said it isn’t a museum, and that Classic+ will be considered. He’s just a troll at this point.

And nothing you guy have posted is a fact. So…

When some quotes ben shapiro…you know just to ignore them

Yeah, we can tell the worthless opinion as it usually is the same circular logic debunked over and over, yet still repeated because of your own emotional bias towards Classic.

You’re free to enjoy Classic as you wish, Derka, but we’re actually trying to find a sustainable solution to keep a Classic experience going for years to come. I’m sorry you fail to understand something so simple.

But by all means, keep asserting that classic will prevail for years and assuming that human beings will love to pay 15 dollars a month to repeat the same raids and content for years and years with no changes.

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They said TBC would be considered because it would fairly easy for them to do it. That was what they said during the Reddit AMA.

Ion…you know, the guy who runs the project…said flat out at the content creator summit that exclusive Classic-only content was not happening.

Please, tell me more about these facts you’ve got laying around.

Your cherry picking is adorable, they also said in that same quote that they would consider Classic+. You’re actually trolling.