#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

That person is playing the wrong game. They shouldn’t have a say if their goal is a complete overhaul of how a paladin works.

You’re not a ret paladin or a holy paladin in this game; you’re a paladin. Everything is designed around using the class’ full toolkit in group content while talent points and gear let you increase the effectiveness of some aspects over others. Someone who “just wants to smite” is fatally misunderstanding how a paladin is played.

Also, MC was just cleared by 60s in greens. There’s absolutely no reason at this point that any player should get benched for raid content.

Yes by a pserver guild called APES. That’s not really the best argument for that since they’ve been smashing vanilla content on pservers for 15 years. I’ve seen TONS of QQ threads saying Classic is “SO EZ” and wanting Blizzard to re-tune the raids JUST because ONE guild cleared MC and Onyxia with greens and people below 60 (like 55ish) in the first week. Apparently that event has been the creation of MUCH salt and tears by the retail crowd. While yes I agree with you that any spec/build should be viable in end game content, the example you used can’t really work since APES are professionals vs the average joe casual.

The #nochange crew wont even be here later on. What a stupid hashtag for all the old players who quit after vanilla after getting their little panties twisted because the game had to progress. The current playerbase is going to suffer now

WRONG. It is the Classic/pserver community who are the #nochanges crew…myself included. It is the RETAIL crowd who won’t be here later on. People who want no changes and to leave Classic as it is are HAPPY with it. You clearly don’t know which side is which

And for me…these retail folks demanding said changes can’t leave fast enough. I want them to experience just how long and tedious the grind to 60 is and the fact that they aren’t getting everything handed to them like it is in retail. Once all the tourists/retail folks leave, we can have our game and be at peace. The longer they stay…the harder they will push for changes



Only the REAL classic folk are here to stay, it’s the retail folk that will be gone! Haha! xD

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There’s very little changes I would accept for classic.

  1. Increasing difficulty.

  2. Make the game PLAY like it’s 2019. There’s a lot of wonkiness to actions in game from looting to shooting off abilities.

That’s about it.

Laugh all you want but it’s true. You are one of the retail people who is constantly pushing for changes and that GARBAGE Classic+ crap. Classic is JUST FINE as it is regardless of what you may think or believe. If you don’t agree with that then you clearly fall into the retail/tourist category

BTW…where’s that source for your claim yesterday saying that Blizzard was actually considering that Classic+ nonsense?? I still don’t have a link to a blue post yet


Classic is just fine RIGHT NOW, I agree with you! The question is, is it sustainable? Can you expect to see people rerunning the same quests, zones, and raids for years and years? I don’t think so. Do you think Blizz is going to let the majority of Classic players cancel their sub after being bored of the game? Classic+ is the way of the future if the game is to succeed. Blizz will likely keep the museum vanilla server and experiment with new content, TBC, Wrath, etc servers.

Pservers also had the looming threat of being shut down at any time and all your progress going to waste, as well as a far less broad audience as Blizzard themselves.

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You have no idea what Blizz wants. so let’s not pretend that you do. Blizzard, being a large corporation, knew what they were getting into when they launched Classic WoW. I am sure they did lots of research on what the playerbase in private servers looked like. I am sure they were aware that yes, those servers were free, blah blah. And I am sure that regardless of whether the max playbase was 10k or 10 million, they deemed a compelling enough reason to launch WoW Classic as a museum piece. Your opinion on whether or not Blizzard will deem this re-launched version of the game a success or not is irrelevant. It’s possible that Blizzard isn’t expecting huge profits from it. Sometimes in business, the KPIs are not solely about $.

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Just leave it alone, he’s trolling. No way is anyone actually this stupid.


Yeah, and those “old players” all went on to play the same version of the game, again, on repeat, for years and years. Hence, Classic WoW =) So now those old folks have their world and the people who want to progress have theirs. I don’t see what is stupid about this . . .

The only thing I can get behind is a small tweak to raids to make then harder. 1.12 patch made them easier

Lol. We did it for years before TBC came out.

That’s not actually true . . . The reason Classic only lasted 2 years was because TBC launched. TBC would have had to have been in development during the time Classic was live. Blizz could not have made that expac in under 1-2 years. Then TBC came out, and the Classic players were forced to move on into TBC, hence, why MANY of them left and the private server community erupted (and why many of them repeated the same tasks over and over again on said private servers).

It doesn’t matter how sustainable it is. Sustainability is not the point. Classic WoW wasn’t designed with sustainability in mind. It’s going to be here whether hundreds of thousands of people play it or not. Blizz has already said this.

“You have no idea what Blizz wants.” proceeds to guess himself what Blizz wants

Sustainability is the point of any company. I don’t know how you can be that dense. If the profit doesn’t exceed the cost of the servers, it gets shutdown.

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Where exactly did I say what Blizz wants? I made a pretty general statement, and also, said “it’s possible”. I in no way made any concrete statement that said Blizz will do X if they feel Y.

“Blizz wants profits and will shutdown the game servers if they aren’t making any money.” --> I am sure you have no idea how much Blizzard is making from Classic, or how much money they have to make to deem it a success, nor if they will shut down the server if they aren’t making X amount of money.

“they deemed a compelling enough reason to launch WoW Classic as a museum piece.”

Which is false, because they admitted that they will add Classic+ if people want it.

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