#NOCHANGES will inevitably kill the game

There is a big difference between changing what classic represents and adding to changes that make the classic experience better.

Classic’s future should be open to changes, it can become any kind of game.
At some point it has to take a different direction than retail, at some point ‘nochanges’ wont apply, because it will all be new content.

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That’s literally called retail WoW dude. The direct descendant of vanilla WoW. Retail is what Blizzard’s idea of what a “good” MMO looks like in 2019.

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No dude. The mandate of Classic is that it is what it was. It’s not a separate stream of development (which wouldn’t make sense for Blizzard anyway - they would simply create WoW 2, which if it looked like this I’d be all over):


Classic, by definition and mandate, isn’t open to changes. It’s a known quantity. That’s why we wanted it in the first place.

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Except that makes perfect sense.


I want my “time capsule” as you put it. Leave everything as it is.

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I’d like to see stuff like what Everquest does.

Content patches that add a new dungeon or raid (maybe make the new raid actually difficult, and not…MC level of easy). But keep it hard and difficult like how Classic is supposed to be.

That being said, we’re still a few years away from that point.

Eventually though, 5 years from now, when everyone will be done with Naxx and geared in their BiS, there’ll be nothing to do aside from afking in Ironforge or trying to start the same old World PvP battles you did last year, and the year before that.

We’ll just have to see how it goes when everyone is 60 and has cleared Naxx.

ROTFLMAO!!! Keep 'em coming, folks; I love a good laugh so early in the morning.

ive literally got 15 years of experience of what changing the game does.
can you guarantee that the people providing input want to take it in a different direction? because what i’ve seen so far
lets add LFD/Transmog/Dual Spec/Hardcore class balancing/aoe looting…
sounds an awful like going down the retail road again.


I wouldn’t be adverse to a few class balance issues. Namely certain classes being awful if they aren’t healing.

stares at cross-dressing paladins in cloth and crying shamans spamming healing wave rank 4

But yeah, it can be a slippery slope.

it isn’t just the slippery slope.
its about what what was asked for. IE vanilla wow.
if they change it, it goes against that, and those that just want pure vanilla, get burned and have nothing. again.
furthermore - who decides what changes get in, and why should certain changes get approved over others?


I know, but still.

You might be okay with wearing robes and healing as a paladin, but what about people who want to play as Ret and smite foes and stuff? Shouldn’t they get a say in how their class is designed?

Why should those type of people get benched and never be able to progress because Blizzard couldn’t figure out what they wanted Paladins to be until later on?

NO ONE has a say in how their class has been designed since the game began. Only Blizzard employees, and specifically the WoW development teams, get a say in how ANY class is designed.

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did you know death and taxes raided with a ret paladin? the dps checks in vanilla are notoriously low. even patchwerk in naxx only required something like 350 dps assuming 26 people attacking (not including tanks and healers).


This expectation right here is why we have Retail. It’s such an indictment on this generation IMO. No, you shouldn’t have a say in how a class is designed. If you want a say in how your class is designed, as a Design Director I once worked for said to a highly opinionated coder - apply for a design position or shut the *&$% up.


The only changes I want to classic is maintenance and bug fixes (like meeting stones need fixed). Everything else can stay in BFA or whatever if you want that plus experience. Go there and be happy and leave others to be happy where they are at.

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No changes. What you’re looking for is BFA. Go there and satisfy your instant gratification mindset.


whats wrong with meeting stones?

The one at Ragefire Chasism isn’t working. I tried clicking on it last night to summon someone with a group.

Classic is a side project. If you want new content, retail is there for you


you’re thinking of summoning stones. summoning stones were added in burning crusade. in vanilla they were called meeting stones and did not summon.